It's great that everyone is finding these box sets

Glad you managed to get hold of some Maureen. Andre, I don't think I could ever rise to getting the box with 3 sets... not sure if anywhere in the UK does them like this. (I know the feeling as far as the other half is concerned, I have to sneek all smurfs in past my fiance after I have had them delivered to work), . I'm finding fewer places near where I live that sell smurfs now, my only options are: the shop in Nottinghill which charges £5 for current smurfs and about double the going rate for out of production ones (£60 for a Pumpkin smurf

) ; Harrods and of course; the internet, which is my main place to buy them. As there are only going to be 5000? sets released will these sell out quite quickly? Do we think that Schleich will release all future smurfs as box sets as well as individually and also (this got me thinking when I thought about the limited release of these box sets) how many smurf collectors does everyone think there are? Ball park figure.

Also, roughly, how many of the Decade box sets would have been produced?