Good morning Maureen,
the garden look great in the fall also. Our neighbours had a really large mapletree next to our garden before. And there is nothing like mapleleaves in the fall, when the colours are changing. But the tree got some kind of decease and it is gone now.
Therefore we have planted 3 kinds of mapletrees, and these kinds don´t get as big as the normal one. Paperbark maple, Field maple and one I can´t find the english name for ( Acer tataricum). We also have a lot of flowers which looks lovely in the fall. I don´t know all of the names ( I have to ask my wife, she´s the expert

) but one I like is perennial phlox.
I can take more pictures in september so you can see for yourself.
By the way that damn fox was here again and tried to get the chickens.
It also has tried to get inside the cage for the rabbit. We had to chase it away but I guess it will be back soon. Nothing like the taste of fresh chicken.