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Postby stampysmurf » Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:16 am
It has been raining and raining here for so long that all my peonies were drooped over so I ended up picking them. I think it has rained at some point in the day every day here for the whole month of June! :banghead:



Postby Smurfysmurf » Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:22 am
They are looking really nice, Norma :D

I've heard that the North has been getting some yucky weather...I think when it left us in the South it didn't move very far. Hope, July will be a dry month for y'all :cheers:

I am not sure we had any rain at all for the month of June...I am sure we had some but it wasn't much...all we are having a record highs :sun:
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Postby Cassiebsg » Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:27 am
They look lovely. :D

I'm not much for flowers, but since they were taking a beating outside, at least they'll live the rest of their lives in a nice warm and loving enviroment. :) :)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Postby André » Sun Jun 28, 2009 1:43 pm
They look very nice Norma.

We have had very nice weather now for a week and everything look wonderful in the garden.

We have one of these peony which we here call dillpeony. The leafs looks like dill. Have you seen that one?


Postby stampysmurf » Sun Jun 28, 2009 5:07 pm
Thanks for the sunny weather wishes!! It's been so rainy up here that some of my tomato plants and my begonias are rotting. My daughter and I went strawberry picking yesterday and it was a very poor crop, all moldy and rotten. What a shame. Andre, I haven't seen a peony like the one you describe, I would love to see a picture!

Postby steveparkes » Mon Jun 29, 2009 12:30 am
Lovely flowers Norma, it rained here on Saturday night - infact it rained, hailed, thundered..now it's back to glorious sunshine -
Long, long ago, deep in the forest, there was a hidden village where tiny creatures lived. They called themselves the Smurfs. They were good.


Postby André » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:32 am

our dill-peony looks like this today. Not much to look at now because the flowers are already gone. :( But you can look for Paeonia Tenuifolia on internet and see what it looks like when it flowers. It gets both plena( with filled flowers) and the normal one( without the filled flowers).



In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby André » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:35 am
I have strawberries for you on picture Norma. :) I planted these all the way beside our driveway years ago and now we have a lot of them. :D

Just that you have to get there before the children have been there. :o


In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby André » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:38 am
They tell us we will have sunshine and hot weather for at least 2 more weeks so it is great because I have holiday now. 8)

But we have to water everything a lot offcourse.

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby André » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:45 am
And Norma,

Can you imagine the smell of honeysuckle? Great to have at the entrance or on a porch.

Honeysuckle on one side and roses on the other.



In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby André » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:52 am
Here are the pond today.
Everything is green now so you have like a roof of roses, hazel and willow over your head. This tree is actually a rosebush and will soon be covered with creamywhite roses.

Under it we have my wifes favourites, martagon lilies.


In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby André » Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:00 am
In the greenhouse the flowers have reached all the way to the woolbirds now. :D Everything in there is growing fast now.


I wish you all happy holidays and now I will return to the sunshine. 8) :D


In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:20 am
@Norma: The flowers are lovely. :smitten:

@Andre: Your garden looks terrific. :D Just wish I would be in Sweden right now. :smitten:

Postby stampysmurf » Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:24 pm
Andre, Thank you so much for your sunny garden tour!! You have a beautiful garden! I think the sun came out for all of 5 minutes today and now it's back to more rain......So I will go have another look at your pictures!!! Thanks again for posting them!

Postby André » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:08 pm
I hope you get sunny weather soon Norma.

We have had cold and rainy days in may and in the beginning of June.

They actually told us that the beginning of June was the coldest since the 40s. So it was nice to finally get warm and sunny weather.


Postby Smurfysmurf » Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:08 pm
You certainly have made a beautiful place out of it...it's great to see pictures of your place during the summer months after seeing pictures of it during the winter months:D

I bet it's also beautiful in fall when the leaves are changing colors :cheers:

How far out in the country do you live? It looks so peaceful place (or so it was before the chicks moved in :) )
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Postby SmurfingH » Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:35 pm
Beautiful flowers Norma and Andre! :-D I love flowers. :) :)

Postby André » Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:38 am
Good morning Maureen,

the garden look great in the fall also. Our neighbours had a really large mapletree next to our garden before. And there is nothing like mapleleaves in the fall, when the colours are changing. But the tree got some kind of decease and it is gone now.

Therefore we have planted 3 kinds of mapletrees, and these kinds don´t get as big as the normal one. Paperbark maple, Field maple and one I can´t find the english name for ( Acer tataricum). We also have a lot of flowers which looks lovely in the fall. I don´t know all of the names ( I have to ask my wife, she´s the expert :) ) but one I like is perennial phlox.

I can take more pictures in september so you can see for yourself.

By the way that damn fox was here again and tried to get the chickens.
It also has tried to get inside the cage for the rabbit. We had to chase it away but I guess it will be back soon. Nothing like the taste of fresh chicken. :eat:

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