BAD NEWS !!! :!!: :!!:
I've just come home from the Albert Heyn in my hometown , and I had a little talk with the manager ...
He told me that the smurfs wil not be there till March the 24th (as planned), but only till March the 8th !!!!

Hi guys ,
The Smurfs action at Albert Heyn is officially over now ....
Yesterday the Albert Heyn took all the displays and posters out of the store , because they have a new look this Monday : Easter ...
So no Smurfy supermarket no more , but ......
They made 27 million smurfs , and the last 2 million are still waiting to find a new home !!
This means that you can still get a smurf for every 15 Euro you spent !!!!
As long as they have them ...
I've asked for some of the posters and displays that Albert Heyn removed from the store , and they told me that I can have some !!!
I don't know now how much I can get , so I can't prommise anything yet , but I hope it's enough to make some of you happy too !!

I know this next week , so wish me luck guys !
I've also found some video's of the trading day (all in Dutch) :
http://www.brabantsdagblad.nl:80/regios ... murfen.ece
http://www.destentor.nl:80/regio/veluwe ... murfen.ece