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Postby SuperJen » Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:06 am
Hello everyone,

I said I wouldn't leave you and I haven't.

I closed my business at the end of last year and got a job at Vodafone as a retail coordinator and started last week. I'm loving it.
HPH I might come to Sydney in Feb so if I get a chance I'd love to meet up with you.

Last weekend I broke up with Abby, my fiance, we'd been together 7 years. We've had problems for months and I couldn't get past what had happened and how he hurt me. I haven't been living at home for a few weeks and haven't had access to a computer. I have now but I'm homeless and moving from friends house to frineds house and busy with my new job so I might not be around for a while.

I hope you're all well and I miss you all and I will be back once I find somewhere to live.
Even thinking of coming back on a regular basis brings a smile to my face...

So please don't think I've forgotten you.
:star: SUPERJEN :star: :eye: I've got my eye on you

Postby steveparkes » Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:08 am
Hi SuperJen, good to see you around again..hope things work out for you. Look forward to seeing you around again when you're more settled :D
Long, long ago, deep in the forest, there was a hidden village where tiny creatures lived. They called themselves the Smurfs. They were good.


Postby XoioX2000 » Mon Jan 22, 2007 6:00 am
Hi Superjen!

Well that's a way to start 2007: Fresh!! :):):) :cheers: Freedom!!!! :):)

You know what they say other here: One old one lost, ten new ones found!

Wishing all the very best SuperJen!

:dragon: I like the smell of Napalm, first thing in the morning...:dragon:
Check out The Dragon's Cave

Postby SA Smurfette » Mon Jan 22, 2007 6:32 am
Hi Jen,

I was wondering what happened to you.

I hope everything works out for you, good news about getting a new job though :D

Lets hope you get settled soon and have more time to come and chat to us again.

:winks: Raelene :yes:

Check out my smurfy site

Postby Pitufo » Mon Jan 22, 2007 7:02 am
Hi, Jen!!!!!!God luck in your new life!!!!!!Hope to see you soon here, in your new home, with your computer, and working for VODAFONE!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

Postby southernyacht » Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:08 am
Hi Jen,

Good luck in everything :grouphug: Looking forward to seeing you back here!

Cathy x :cat:

Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:40 am
I feel very sorry for you're having such a bad time, Jen. But things will get better. Good luck. I will cross my fingers for you. :fingers: :hug:

Postby Tojo » Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:16 pm
Hi SuperJen,

it's great to hear from you again & I'm sorry to hear about the problems you've been having.

Still, your new job sounds good & hopefully you'll find somewhere to live soon.

Take care & I hope to hear from you again soon :D
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby Little lucie @ Simon » Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:19 pm
Hi Jen, nice to hear from you again. Im sorry your having a hard time at the moment, but wish you well for the future. Hope you get settled soon and enjoy your new job . Take care Lucie & Simon :D

Postby Guest » Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:42 pm
Hi SuperJen ! I wish we were hearing from you under better circumstances :( Good to know you have a nice new job , as for the rest, i wish you all the best and hope things settle down for you very quickly ! :hug:

:-D :beer:

Postby Rachel » Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:32 pm
Hi Jen, good to hear from you although I am sorry to hear of your woes. :hug:

Good luck with the new job and finding a new home. I am sure 2007 is going to be great new begininng for you though. :cheerz:

You know we are always here so we will look forward to you returning again safe and sound and for you to entertain us again with your fantastic humour. :cheer:
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