When I was a child I collected smurfs and loved them dearly. I never had as many as I wanted - does anyone? Sadly I have no idea what happened to those smurfs, or my albums or any other such relics of childhood I wished I could have back.
About a year ago I discovered smurf figurines on ebay and was delighted - here with one purchase I could exceed the number of smurfs I had as a child! But I resisted, I struggled with this concept I have of simplifying and de-cluttering, wasn't quite sure how beginning to buy smurfs would fit into that philosophy!? Then a friend of mine showed up with a wee gift - 14 of them in fact! 14 of the sweetest blue faces you can imagine! That was it...the floodgates opened and I made several ebay purchases, though the greatest number of my collection is still from this dear friend who picks them up for me whenever she sees them. I am a lucky smurfaholic.

I wanted to thank both Kitty's Cavern and Blue Imps (you both have wonderful sites I discovered just by googling 'smurfs') for all I've learned about our little PVC friends and my own in particular. I'm excited to join you; my smurf-collecting peers on this forum!