Or are these very rare?

I saw these on ebay a while ago, but didn't have money at that time.

I'd love to get these!!

PS. Pictures borrowed from Mushroomvillage
Thanks Rachel! I didn't even think about linking the site. It only accured to me that I should mention where I took the pics. I sure hope Pete won't be mad...Ps. I have added a link to Mushroom Village on your post. Really we shouldn't hotlink pics as this is using someone elses bandwith so I have added the link as a Thanks to Pete.
Hi Yonna, what I do is save a pic to my computer first and then upload it to the forum using the add attachment feature.Is there a way to download pictures to the forum on some other way than by linking it?
Please, please, please, get me one of each, if I can't make it to the passion...(still trying)They do look nice dont they. I dont know much about them sorry.But i do remember seeing some at passion last year. If i remember i will have a look this year.
Smurfy regards, Steve
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