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Postby misszell » Wed Feb 15, 2006 12:31 pm
This may sound a little silly....but does anyone have any history on the painting of smurfs??? i know they were hand painted (or at least think) so did they paint them in like a factory...or was it like a work at home job....LOL .........where are the people who used to paint them.....i want to talk to them....LOL :-?

Postby Rachel » Wed Feb 15, 2006 4:54 pm
Hi Miszell,

as far as I know, several smurfs (I don't know how many) would be painted in the factory. Then, once the paint colours had been decided the rest would go to homeworkers. I was told that they were paid on quality, a certain percentage had to pass or the painter wouldn't get paid for any. I think this worked like so, say 80 out 100 had to be correct or the painter would have no money, so the painter would only submit the best ones. Better to be paid for 75 good ones and keep 25 bad ones than risk submiting 100 and losing all the money. I think this was to help keep quality high. This was how I was told it was done in the past. I am not sure how it is done these days.

I hope I have explained this so it makes sense, I am rushing as I am just off to bed but wanted to answer before I went. :-D
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Postby SMURFYSTEVE1 » Wed Feb 15, 2006 5:40 pm
Yes i remember that conversation last year. :D Now mabe we could become home workers and paint smurfs all day i wouldnt mind keeping a few back think of all the new exitin variations we could come up with and get rich selling them on ebay. 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) Just a thought? Were can i aply for a job. LOL Interesting point there Rach id like to know how they go about painting them these days surly not still with home workers? :-?
Smurfy regards, Steve. :D

Postby misszell » Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:05 pm
thanks guys....that's kind of what i thought.....i wonder how many of us have the messed up smurfs the painters kept!.....i'm sure a lot of them are in circulation.......too bad our smurfs didn't have a microchip so we could trace them back.........i wanna paint smurfs ! :(

Postby Syd Smurf » Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:34 pm
A few of us have the error smurfs in our collections which are always nice to have. I think Attom has more of them than anyone as he has the best error smurf collection you could ever hope to own.

I have always wondered about the life of smurfs. I wonder how many I have sold will end up coming back to me again someday. I have thought about marking them but of course that's not the best thing to do. Still, I do wonder how many smurfs we have shared amongst us and how many we have shared without even knowing.

Another good reason for all of us moving into one little village...then our smurfs can say..."ah...I remember that blue guy about 2 years ago he came to live with us but Syd secretly posted him off to Antartica when he started attracting all of the Smurfettes".


Postby misszell » Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:01 pm
i have always wanted to tell attom how i thought his collecting the "fake" smurfs was sooo cool :D .....i hope to find a unique way of collecting myself.....but for now i just wanna get as many as i can :-D .....it just keeps growing and growing.....i wish i could post my pictures.....i tried posting them when i first started collecting them but for some reason it keeps telling me my files are too large :-?

Postby Syd Smurf » Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:09 pm
i hope to find a unique way of collecting myself....
Well, you can always buy them and then send them to my house...that's a pretty unique way of collecting I would think. :D

Yep...there is no doubt Attom has the coolest collection in the world. His smurf collection is a glorious array of colour and oddness that I would love to have in my collection anyday.

If possible, try reducing your pics down to about 450-500 as that would make it possible to post them and wouldn't make them too big so it's hard to see the whole pic. Any problems then just let us know and one of us can help you out. The forum master put a limit on the size of the pics so I wouldn't post ginormous pics that might break the forum......although a few naughty words in the chatroom can also have a similiar affect apparently....mentioning no names Mr Tutu :o :)


Postby misszell » Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:48 pm
haaa....i just love the guy poking w/ the stick.....ummmm...ok....i just take normal pictures w/ my digital camera.....i am not sure how to change the pixel settings....but i will try :D ...thanks

Postby Fram » Thu Feb 16, 2006 2:17 am
Can you tell us what camera you have? Perhaps someone here has a similar one. Otherwise you can always reduce the size of the pics afterwards, with some photo editing program (Photoshop and the likes), but it is often easier to do directly on the cam (I do it that way on my Nikon Coolpix).
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby misszell » Thu Feb 16, 2006 8:51 am
i have a kodak easyshare.......and i always thought i was computer savy but for whatever reason i am having trouble......i will try again tonight after i get home from work........

Postby Rachel » Thu Feb 16, 2006 3:28 pm
have always wondered about the life of smurfs. I wonder how many I have sold will end up coming back to me again someday.
Yes, I have also had this thought many many times. :-D

I hadn't considered smurfs passing between us though, that is an interesting thought. If only they could talk............ :gossip: :lol:

Misszell, let us know how you get on with pics and your camera, I am sure we can help somehow if you are still having problems. :D
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