Oh geez...it's Valentine's Day

...thanks for the tip guys
I mess up Valentine's Day then my birthday gets messed up 2 days later.
It's funny you know....in Baseball in the US....if you throw underarm then it's called Softball...however in the southern hemisphere in cricket...if you throw underarm then it almost causes a war.....Daryl will know what I'm talking about.
[I should explain for the rest of the world...it was a game of cricket where the Kiwi batsmen needed to score 6 runs off the final ball (pitch)...in cricket you usually bounce the ball before getting to the batsmen and it can sometimes shoot up at you around the head or worse...lower

....anyway...about 25 years ago the Australian bowler rolled the ball down to the batsmen which meant he could not possibly get a 6 (when you hit it out of the ground on the full). It was a display of disgraceful sportsmanship by the Australian captain who ordered that play and many kiwis have never forgotten it]
ok...was that worth it