Since I'm new to this forum I thought that I might introduce my self? English is not my first language so please bear with me.

When I was a kid I got smurfs from my mother every Christmas and for my birthday. When I got older the tradition stopped and the smurfs ended up in the basement. One day when I visited my parents my mother got the smurfs from the basement so that my daughter would have something to play with. A took them home with me and but them on display. This was one year ago and I had about 50 smurfs.
I looked on the Internet and found the Swedish trade site Tradera and bought some smurfs from Anette. I work as a web developer so I contacted Anette and offered to build a smurf site for her. We got along very well and the site was produced quickly and I got a lot of smurfs for the job.

I have now bought smurfs from Germany, Holland, Canada, US, England... It's amazing how many kind smurf fanatics there are around the world.

My goal is to get one of each (regular smurfs) and I now only miss five:
- Flower in mouth
- Baseball Smurfette
- #1 graduate
- Surprise bag pink
- Surprise bag orange
I also collect promos, super smurfs, x-mast smurfs, easter smurfs and so on. I have some stands and fakes but I don't intend to get then all.
Right now I have 461 smurfs and they are all on display. See pics.
Well, that's about it!
Greetings from Sweden