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Postby Guest » Sun Jan 01, 2006 4:57 am

:-D :beer:

Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Jan 01, 2006 5:26 am

Sorry...hiccup....I meant....hiccup....


from Dyar, Syd...Mrs Dyar & the Munchikin

PS - Where's the toilet?

PPS - Why don't they hire those guys with the ping pong bats that work at the airport to come and direct drunk guys in the toilets on New Year's Eve?

PPPS - Mrs Dyar says I have to apologise for the above question....NOW!!!

PPPPS - Sorry :-?

PPPPP - ahhhhhh that's better :D

Postby steveparkes » Sun Jan 01, 2006 5:26 am
Happy New Year to all my friends on the smurf community

:cheers: :streamer: :dancing: :wave: :switch: :cheers: :streamer: :dancing: :wave: :switch: :cheers: :streamer: :dancing: :wave: :switch: :cheers: :streamer: :dancing: :wave: :switch: :cheers: :streamer: :dancing: :wave: :switch:
Long, long ago, deep in the forest, there was a hidden village where tiny creatures lived. They called themselves the Smurfs. They were good.


Postby Rachel » Sun Jan 01, 2006 5:36 am
Please can everyone stop shouting. My head hurts. :shhh: :razz: :)

We had a lovely evening but like David, I think I am paying the price this morning. Glad to hear everyone enjoyed New Years eve and seeing fireworks from all over the world knowing that there were smurfers all around enjoying them was cool to know. I think I even spotted Syd at one point, Dyar was he let loose last night? :lol:

Tim, you are alright, I wasn't angry just very very very very very drunk. :partyon:
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Jan 01, 2006 6:46 pm
I think I even spotted Syd at one point, Dyar was he let loose last night? :lol:
It's hard to say....he's a big smurf now and I find it hard to keep track of his journeys around the world. I just can't quite figure out how he manages to get the stamps on the envelopes he travels in....I guess he does it before he hops in...but then I'm not sure how he seals the packages. I think he was aiming for Claire's house as he thought he might of had a date there with her new Smurfette....maybe he got confused and ended up somewhere else. :-?

If anyone sees him can they post him home please


Postby DrunkSmurf » Sun Jan 01, 2006 11:09 pm
I hope Syd didn't have to chew his arm off in the morning.

On the brightside, Hula Smurfette probably welcomed the company.

Postby Fram » Mon Jan 02, 2006 2:34 am

Been offline a few days, partying and relaxing, but I'll be around again fairly often from now on!
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:
Postby naish510 » Mon Jan 02, 2006 3:09 am

:wave: :wave: :wave:
Postby melchior » Mon Jan 02, 2006 4:52 am
Hi people,

:-D Happy New :-D Year from Malta and hope that all that you desire in 2006 come true.

For 2006 i will be going hunting for History smurf, thats my resolution.
Maltese Smurf

Postby eggie smurf » Mon Jan 02, 2006 12:00 pm
If anyone sees Syd can they post him home please
He stumbled over to my house (as usual) around 3am on New Years Day...he's helping out around the smurf room right now so he'll be back in a few weeks :D Hopefully my smurfs are multiplying as we speak :)


:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby Syd Smurf » Mon Jan 02, 2006 9:22 pm
Talking from experience.....you better start giving them a bath each night then Stace. :shock:

Take care of him Stace....not too much though as I would liek him to come home someday. :(

Postby puffuonecent » Tue Jan 03, 2006 1:44 am
Know I am a bit late but was terribly smurfy sick...




:cheers: :-D
Cogito ergo Smurf!
I think therefore I smurf!

Postby Tessa-Dennis » Thu Jan 05, 2006 8:38 pm
I watched the Sydney fireworks on TV. I swear one day they will blow that fricken bridge up with the amount of fireworks they use.
They went NUTS

I guess they had a good one in London as well.

Sorry I am a bit late but a very happy, prosperous and most importantly healthy new year to you all.

We had family over this year and stayed at home watching stand up comedy and the London fireworks as we do not have one big firework in Holland but everybody is allowed to be a pyromaniac between 10:00 PM and 02:00 AM. The only four hours a year it is legal to use fireworks in Holland. At that moment so much is going up in the sky (hundreds of millions worth) that for hours when you are outside it smell like a warzone. The next day the air force showed a radar image clearly showing big flocks of birds flying for their lives towards the North sea and Germany :banghead:

Well, back to saving for next new years eves fire works event :-)


Postby Bunno Smurf » Thu Jan 05, 2006 8:42 pm
I wish they'd let us do that here, Dennis but I guess theres not much chance of it happening as new year's is bang smack in the middle of fire season here. My brother-in-law has a fireworks licence and he had a Roman Candle they were thinking of letting off on Christmas Eve but my sister wouldn't let them cos it would scare the life out of her horses.
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby Tessa-Dennis » Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:35 pm
I wish they'd let us do that here, Dennis but I guess theres not much chance of it happening as new year's is bang smack in the middle of fire season here.
Well, it isn't all fun here as well. Most pets have to be sudated for a few hours or you have to try to scratch your cat from the ceiling. if you do not do that you might get a something like :scared: :sprint:

Next to this it always costs at least one old historic farmhouse with an old dried grass roof and several fingers, hands and eyes of people who try to turn their whole bag into a genuin bomb :? :-?

We also have really huge fires in every neighborhood of the big city's with wood, old christmas trees and, if it goes according to the plans of the people who make it old cars, buses etc. In the good old days we used to buy a car at the junkyard and hide it for the police just to put on the fire. Strangely the police was never pleased with this expression of happyness :shock:

But I couldn't imagine a new years eve without all this, the cold and the darkness.

Postby Rachel » Sun Jan 08, 2006 11:50 am
It is really interesting reading about the different laws in different countries. Fireworks are readily available here in the UK especially around New Year and Bonfire Night (5th November) but I am sure you can probably buy them all year round if you really wanted to. There are problems with kids setting them off and there has been much publicity lately regarding whether they should be banned. Luckily none of our animals get too freaked out by the noise but we don't let fireworks off in our garden ever because of them, I think that would be just too close.

New Years eve was fantastic for them this year as we now live right at the top of a valley. We could see a good 15 miles down the valley as it was a clear night and the fireworks going off were incredible, we didn't even watch them on the TV in London as they were so good. :D
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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