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Postby Gerda » Fri Oct 21, 2005 1:12 pm
Just wondering what you smurfers think.
I won some auctions from a lady totaling about $28 bucks.. theres about 24 smurfs in those auctions (she sold them all seperate) today I get the invoice and she wants to try and charge me $24 for shipping. She lives in the same state as me and the gas it would cost me to run and get them would be cheaper than the postage she is trying to pass off. I sent her a nice email telling her that at the most I will pay is $7.70 if she wants to put them in a flat rate box (which still would be alot for those smurfs) I have not heard back from her yet, Now my ebay feedback is at 100%, but if I don't pay wich I wont pay that kind of a shipping rate I am sure I will get a negative. do you guys think it is worth the negative if she don't go down on the shipping price? I think what happend is she is haveing sellers remorse because her auctions did not end that high :-? At least why would you charge sooo much more on shipping??
What do you guys think?


ps.. of course I might just be getting excited over nothing and it might have been a calculation error on her part and I will get a cheaper shipping.
happily smurfing along

Postby Guest » Fri Oct 21, 2005 1:56 pm
Hi Gerda

I would risk the negative, she is risking one too after all. You can't be expected to pay that much. I don't think buyers worry too much about one or two negatives anyway, and sellers certainly don't really check the feedback of their bidders unless they are selling something very valuable.

Postby Rachel » Fri Oct 21, 2005 2:24 pm
Hi Gerda, I agree with Karen, I would at least give the seller a bit more time and then ask again. Was there any mention in the auctions about whether they would combine on shipping?
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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Postby Gerda » Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:31 pm
She wrote me an email. Aparently she feels the auctions ended fairly cheap and because of it I should pay the handleing fees.. I think not. Now her auctions are stated that if you win one the other one will be shipping at half price, BUT as a seller you put a cap on that half price and send it reasonably. She must of never had anyone buy more than a couple items from her because sending the second item at half price would still be a bargain. she also wrote me back saying that she has to take into acount gas money, her time, her packing the item. and so on. Sounds to me like someone should not be selling on ebay :x
I did write to the complaint department because I should not be made to pay her ebay or pay pal fees which she is trying to pass off to me now. I guess it is just my bad luck her items did not sell higher :-? :-?

ps.. total price for merchandise $28.13.. shipping charge to send stuff from inside my state a couple counties over $23.95 first negative feedback (most likely) because I am standing my ground and wont be ripped off.. PRICELESS!!
happily smurfing along

Postby Guest » Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:33 pm
I wonder what she would do if you gave her several different addresses for them to be posted to so she has lots of extra work? :) :) Evil mind thinking here.. Cos I bet she is still going to try and put them in the same parcel.

Postby XoioX2000 » Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:42 pm
$24? That's how much it cost to have a package of that size sent from the USA to the UK airmail 1st class!

I bought a small house, a few smurfs and a matt recently and the guy charged me $7.70 postage! It was supposed to take 4 to 6 weeks: it arrived in less than 10 days!

Yeap that seller is pushing rather a lot! Maybe the fact that we are talking "auctions" here hasn't sunk in! Maybe you need to remind her what the eBay contract means!
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Postby Gerda » Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:49 pm
She thinks that I'm at fault for not reading the auction terms before bidding, but when you bid on 25 different items from someone you don't expect them to have half price for EVERY single item, it's just comon sense. She revised her last email to state it is all handling charge she is charging, I don't think I want my smurfs "handled" that much :) She said she will consider sending another invoice once she gets back into her ebay acount. wonder if she got into trouble already or she is just on a diffrent computer and is locked out :-?

Maybe I should move to the Uk quick to save on shipping charges :) :) :)
happily smurfing along

Postby SMURFYSTEVE1 » Fri Oct 21, 2005 5:09 pm
Oh i like Karens idea! Mabe you should get them posted to all the diferent members on the bord. That will keep her bizzy. 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) (that dosn't mean send them all to Dyer) Befor he asks. :) Perhaps she is really Gargamel in descise trying to out smurf you? :) :)
Smurfy regards, Steve. :D

Postby Guest » Fri Oct 21, 2005 5:12 pm
I didn't pay for an auction recently where they tried to charge me 5% paypal fees. She didn't back down and neither did I and we mutually agreed not to complete the transaction and neither of us left feedback.

Postby DrunkSmurf » Fri Oct 21, 2005 6:10 pm
Hi Gerda,

I side with not paying the $24 shipping. Her gas to drive to the post office isn't part of the deal. Your offer of $7.70 is a fair rate (I've had as many as 20 smurfs and a windmill shipped to me for $6--well, that's what the postage read, the vendor charge $10 or something).

Even if she gives you a negative in retaliation, you record is still strong. You can't let a snooker hold that sword over your head. People won't hold one bad mark against you. I think every experienced ebayer knows there are problem-people who will burn you no matter what you do.

Postby Syd Smurf » Fri Oct 21, 2005 6:29 pm
She revised her last email to state it is all handling charge she is charging, I don't think I want my smurfs "handled" that much :)
Sorry Gerda, but I had to laugh at what you wrote :lol:

I don't think you should pay it either....because it is just wrong as you know. This seller is trying to rip you off which I am sure we have all come across. I recently had an item sent to Karen within the UK and they ripped me off about 2 pounds after already dropping the price by about 5 pounds after I complained.

The negative feedback is something that we all would like to avoid so step carefully and try to make it as nice as possible until there is nothing left but to call the seller a %$%@@#. I don't care what anyone says....gas money and handling fees to me are just sellers ripping people off.....as sellers can make one journey to the post office per week to cut down the gas costs. I just do not understand sellers charging hidden costs that are not relevant to the purchaser and to me gas & handling fees are ridiculous as they choose to sell and therefore must take that into account when deciding to sell things to people. The only extra I ever charge is if I need special packaging.....I would just feel like I was conning people if I was to ask for anything other than the postage......if I did want to add a fee for anything then I would add that into the starting price and to me this is the only fair way of doing this.....that way a purchaser knows what they are paying and can expect a clear cut postage rate depending on their choice which would be straight forward to them on the stamp when the package arrives.

Stand your ground Gerda and let this seller know that she is so wrong to charge this.....heck, it would be even cheaper to send them to me via airmail which shows you how stupid this invoice is.

Postby eggie smurf » Fri Oct 21, 2005 6:30 pm
Yes, Gerda, stand your ground!! That is a ridiculous amount to charge for postage...and like Karen said, if you're going to pay that much in shipping, make her pack all 25 smurfs separately - no joke. I once had an overseas person tell me they wouldn't pay the shipping I charged on an item and I did not overcharge -- I packed it in a box, weighed it and it was considered parcel post...she said to just use a bubble envelope so it was letter post. So you are not being unreasonable at all in questioning that postage. If the seller won't back down, try to agree to not complete the transaction and not leave each other feedback...at least that way, the seller is stuck with those smurfs AND the ebay fees, which would serve them right :x
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby Gerda » Sat Oct 22, 2005 7:22 am
She just sent me another invoice, Now she is trying to charge me $14 on shipping! :angry: :angry: She must not get it!

happily smurfing along

Postby attombomb7 » Sat Oct 22, 2005 9:45 am
hi Gerda

it sounds annoying ..:)

I just bought a small but larger stuffed smurfette from the UK for 3 euro
and shipping is 3 euro

and from another seller 5 minutes later...I bought two small die cast cars
also in uk.. I paid. .99 euro and 1 euro for them so about 2 euro total
and shipping is 12 euro!

completely ill logical????

I am also challanging that seller!...
Image Attom


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Postby Gerda » Sat Oct 22, 2005 9:47 am
Good luck with that Attom.. some sellers need there head examined.

happily smurfing along

Postby attombomb7 » Sat Oct 22, 2005 10:07 am

thanks! :banghead: :banghead:
Image Attom


CHECK out my new website
Hogatha's Fake and licenced Smurfs collection

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Postby lordsmurf » Sat Oct 22, 2005 4:25 pm
Sometimes a negative is a badge. Wear it proudly.
It means you won't put up with somebody else's bull****.

This would be one of those cases. :D

Postby Guest » Sat Oct 22, 2005 4:31 pm
I got a negative because the buyer expected the smurf to be bigger. Now that's one to be proud of! :) :) :)

Postby SMURFYSTEVE1 » Sat Oct 22, 2005 6:13 pm
\what i try to do is always ask about the postage/ shipping first. That way i have grounds to go on if they try to tell me diferent. :D I know its hard expecialy if its a last minute bid on somthing. i supose you just have to take your chances. But i wouldn,t take that thats over doing it a bit. Hope you manage to sort somthing out. :D
Smurfy regards, Steve. :D

Postby Gerda » Sun Oct 23, 2005 5:39 pm
She's not willing to back down on her shipping charg of $14. Says she has all her packing material calculated into her shipping. BUT she is willing to do local pickup. I would rather spend the gas money it costs to pick them up than to give her anything for her shipping supplies, ebay fees, pay pal fees gas money and all the other excuses she has given me. I know gas will probably cost me more than the 14 in shipping, but DAMIT (pardon the language) it's the principle behind it. Besides the trees are all turning beautifull colors and it should be a nice trip! Of course I'm jumping the gun here, not sure if we can agree on a mutual time for this pick up.. Will keep you posted.

ps.. anyone agree that this person should not be listing on ebay if it is such a hasel for her :-? :-?
happily smurfing along
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