I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place, but feel free to delete/move it if it isn't.
I'm Matt, and I have recently rediscovered the fun of collecting Smurfs through eBay. I used to collect them when I was younger - I started when I was nine and found a bag of about twenty/thirty smurfs at a car boot sale for a fiver! Bargain! Anyway, over a few years I got my collection upto a hundred, but I stopped several years ago when it became harder to find any smurfs at local toy fairs.
Then a few months ago I started using eBay (damn, it's addictive), but it only occurred to me to look for Smurfs on there a fortnight ago. Since then I've bought 42 of the little blighters (all for around £50, excluding postage), although I'm not sure that this is the best way way to be spending my student loan. Ah well, who needs food?