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Postby SA Smurfette » Sat Mar 26, 2005 3:47 am
I've been setting up my playground tonight that i got from Karen back in January.

Put it altogether without looking at the instuctions :-D

Last thing i had to do was put the playground sticker on the gate.

When :yikes: :shock: :banghead: :( I put it on upside down :omg:

Anyway i managed to peel it off without wrecking the sticker and put it on the right way up :joy:

Anyone else done the same stupid thing ? :)


Postby aussiesmurfer » Sat Mar 26, 2005 4:01 am
Yesterday Cameron found his easter present under my bed. It's a fire station with truck helicopter ladder and all, there were 6 stickers that had to go on. I managed to get 2 on upside down and 1 on the back instead of the front! :banghead: I blame it in the fact that the instructions were too small to read..... :)


Postby Tojo » Sat Mar 26, 2005 4:13 am
I usually manage to put the stickers on wonky & then hope I can peel them off again :shock:

I've not managed to stick them on upside down though. I could make a joke about everything in Australia being upside down but then again.....
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby Guest » Sat Mar 26, 2005 5:44 am
HA HA that is funny Raelene, I can imagine your horror!! I always put them on wonky, I am hopeless with stuff like that! :) :)

Postby Syd Smurf » Sat Mar 26, 2005 8:10 am
Hi Raelene

I agree with Tojo and state that I am not as talented to put them on upside down :) but I have been known to put the stickers on wonky too. Especially the sticker that goes on the front of the Bass Drum on both the Drum playset and the 40th Anniversary Band. The worse thing is that it is incredibly hard to have a second attempt as you can't get to the edge without damaging the sticker. Both of mine are not straight which is a big regret.

I am glad that you managed to correct the mistake Raelene without doing any damage though as I know you would of been shattered and it would of taken off the gloss on what is a very cool playset....I bet you love it....I know I love mine.


Postby SA Smurfette » Sat Mar 26, 2005 8:29 am
Thanks for your comments eveyone. :D

Yes all is well now.

When i started freaking out after I'd done it my daughter looked at me like i was the worst person in the world. :argue:

At least it had other stickers, but somehow it would'nt have been the same in Greek or German :)

I have'nt put my school together yet. I think i'll leave that to my husband :)

Now when i come to think of it, i always stuff the stickers up on the blank video tapes :-?


Postby Syd Smurf » Sat Mar 26, 2005 8:40 am
I am very good at the video tape stickers...as I have large hands and they are large stickers.....it's the tiny stickers that go on Matchbox cars that get me.


Postby aussiesmurfer » Sat Mar 26, 2005 8:48 am
Have you been buying happy meals Dyar? :) :) :) :) :)


Postby Syd Smurf » Sat Mar 26, 2005 8:51 am
Oops...busted.....you too Trish?

Ronald McDyar

Postby aussiesmurfer » Sat Mar 26, 2005 8:53 am
Yep, Cameron has the blue car and the silver car. He loves the fact that they light up! :D


Postby Syd Smurf » Sat Mar 26, 2005 8:56 am
I think Jack has three of them and you were spot on as they were the stickers I were referring to. Unfortunately Jack leaves the lights on and I think all 3 now no longer light up.

I think they are pretty cool cars with the light though.


Postby Tojo » Sat Mar 26, 2005 9:43 am
These sound like the cars that came out in germany last year although there was a black, green, silver & red one. I've left mine in their bags. Probably a good idea as I'd only have put the stickers on wrong. :)
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby Syd Smurf » Sat Mar 26, 2005 5:31 pm
Mrs Dyar just corrected me and we actually have all 5 of the cars...plus 2 extras (blue & black).....I think someone has been going to Ronald's house behind my back....mmm.

They must be the same Tojo....maybe we get the left over happy meal toys for exchange of the left over hamburgers that we don't eat down here....lol.

Just for the record the colours are: Yellow, Black, Red, Silver & a Blue......and I will be starting my Matchbox forum shortly :) ......sorry Raelene.....can we see a photo of your Playground and School (once set up) so we can see how you display them.

I am thinking of getting some really really thin bark chips and putting them around the playground just for a different texture and look....just thought of that so common sense hasn't entered the picture yet....it's usually late and more than likely the last factor that joins into these plans.


Postby Guest » Sat Mar 26, 2005 5:34 pm
I've left mine in their bags
HA HA that made me laugh. I was imagining Tojo scoffing lots of Happy Meals just so he could get the free toys! :) :) :) :wicked:

Postby aussiesmurfer » Sat Mar 26, 2005 5:56 pm
With regards to smurf scale bark chips- I've been checking out my local model railway shop and they have some stuff I think might work! :) I'll let you know how it goes......


Postby Syd Smurf » Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:06 pm
Thanks Trish.....I need to get more grass too..... :eek: ......from the hobby shop of course and I should look at the bark chips when I am there....maybe I can put some model wood bars around the edge as well.

Let me know how you go and if youc an find the right size ones...and how much they were would be handy too......I will do the same if I make there before you but I doubt that will happen...lol.

Looking forward to receiving my package this week Trish.....it will be so cool to have nearly a full box of the MB smurfs.


Postby SA Smurfette » Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:08 pm
Mrs Dyar just corrected me and we actually have all 5 of the cars...plus 2 extras (blue & black).....I think someone has been going to Ronald's house behind my back...

Just for the record the colours are: Yellow, Black, Red, Silver & a Blue......and I will be starting my Matchbox forum shortly :) ......sorry Raelene.....can we see a photo of your Playground and School (once set up) so we can see how you display them.

Hi Dyar,

Yeah, there was 5 hotwheels and 5 my scene Barbies to collect. My daughter loves the hotwheels :D She missed week 1 of the my scene barbie's and we manged to bribe her best friend with the current my scene and hotwheels car ( and a box of cookies ) to get it :) :) :)

I have set the playground up the same as on the box. It's on the bottom of the bookcase as Kristy can reach it from there.

Your bark chip idea sounds good though.
If my hubby ends up putting some shelves in this really big cupboard we have i'll try and set everything out better and create hopefully some sort of village. That's why i wanted the meadow display. :D


Postby Syd Smurf » Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:32 pm
Yes I knew about the 5 Barbies but er..........Mrs Dyar must of told me...honest.

The Meadow display may even arrive this week so that will be good news.....I hope you and Trish like it when it arrives.

I think the Playground playset could look really nice if set up with a few dynamics in the scenery.


Postby aussiesmurfer » Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:42 pm
Model Mania at Morphett Vale has plenty of scenery stuff Raelene. I was thinking that a coarse brown saw dust might work?

Postby SA Smurfette » Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:48 pm
Thanks for letting me know Trish :D I'll have to check it out.

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