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Postby JT » Mon Aug 30, 2004 9:50 am
I´ve got quite small collection of Smurfs. But still I´ve found out there is some difference between same figure with different markings (big surprise) :-)
Of course there is obvious variations that have different colors, mold etc.
But then there´s some tiny differences. For example, I have three 20105 Scots that all have white sox but color of their costume and bagpipe has own shade.
Markings are.
Scot #1 W.Berrie Co. Schleich 1978 Peyo Hong Kong
Scot #2 Bully West Germany Peyo
Scot #3 Bully West Germany Peyo (yellow dot)

One with yellow dot is I believe made in Portugal. Right? It´s colors are dull when others have glossy painting.
And difference between Schleich and Bully I know.
But my question is how many variations do you want/have/keep in your collection?

Postby Rachel » Mon Aug 30, 2004 4:14 pm
Hi JT, great question. :)

We collect all variations including the different markings, including colour dots and country markings.

As for how many, I am not sure to be honest, 1200+ probably.

You can see our variations by clicking on the photos on the main collection pages of Blue Imps.
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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Postby Syd Smurf » Mon Aug 30, 2004 9:14 pm

I agree with Rachel. I collect anything that can considered a variation and that's why I have no money and such a poor sense of humour. I have one of each smurf but up to 12 variations of one smurf and on average I would have 3-4 variations of the others except for the newer produced smurfs. My collection is constantly growing almost daily now. I counted my smurfs from the checklist the other night and I have just under 800 at home but I have around 160+ coming in the mail and this is not uncommon for it to be always around this mark lately. I am trying to catch up to Rachel but I probably never will and she has such a great collection that I was just looking at again the other night.

I started collecting the variations when I realised that I almost had the set and didn't want my collecting to stop as I was having too much fun. Collecting variations is an excuse for me to continue getting excited over new finds and new purchases otherwise I would of got bored and started collecting money or something responsible like that.

Good luck with your hunting



Postby JT » Tue Aug 31, 2004 8:54 am
Hi Rachel & Andrew.
I´m impressed about size of your collections. I´m still trying to reach 200 smurf milestone. My main goal is to get as many different figures as I possibly can (or can afford :smile: ).

I´m curious, are all your figures in mint or good condition? (I hope I´m not asking too personal questions)
I´d like to know because ones I have are mostly in good to poor (with few exceptions) condition. It ain´t easy to find mint ones up here in Finland.

And another thing about smurfs made in Portugal. It seems that those figures has dull colors (well, at least ones I have). Is it always like that? :-?

Postby Syd Smurf » Tue Aug 31, 2004 8:26 pm

Not too sure about the Portugal question maybe Rachel can help more as she knows much more than I do.

Most of mine are in excellent to mint otherwise I have replaced them along the way.

However when it comes to collecting all of the different variations which I have only started recently then I take what I can get and keep it if it's different regardless of the wear. If I can replace it later then I will but I fear it may be hard to find that variation again so easily so some of my variations recently have had some paint wear unfortunately.

In fact replacing my original ones for better ones started me on my way to collecting variations. The Archer is a classic example. I had a crap one and wanted to replace it but the replacement was different so I kept both. Then I saw another one cheap and bought it to replace the original variation but once again it was different so I kept them all. This has happened with others as well.

Good luck in your search

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