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Postby Guest » Fri Jan 14, 2005 5:28 pm
I don't believe it, I am so tired and I just wrote this really long post and then the computer hung and I lost it. :( :( :-(

I don't have time to rewrite it now. Dyar you made me chuckle with your ramblings on the German board! :)

In a nutshell: -

My husband renamed from Stinky to Grumpy.

My daughter has been sold to Hoover to be used as their latest rival to Roomba or whatever Staci's vac is called.

The nits are retreating.

Lots of imperfect smurfs listed tonight on ebay to make way for new smurfs.

Been chasing 2005 Smurfs and Plastoys this week that's why I've been a bit quiet.

14 hours behind on my monthly work I need to do for my other job, another reason so quiet.

Had a Nigerian mad woman sending me horrible emails, scam merchant.

Chasing another £60 someone owes me.

Attom told me he received his prize for the Xmas competition and he now has babies.

Now I need to copy this before I post it again in case it disappears.

Off to get checked for nits now by dearly beloved, getting used to behaving like a monkey. :) :monkey:

Postby Tojo » Sat Jan 15, 2005 3:27 am
Just thinking of nits makes my head itch. Our kids had nits a few months back (brought them home from school) & so we had to wash all the bedding including pillows, clean all cuddly toys & smear ourselves with stinky antilice liquid. Yeuch!

Postby newbiepeej » Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:49 am
Poor Karen, Not sure whether tea tree oil is available over there but try some in hair conditioner and leave a little in your rug rats hair it works wonders for getting rid of them.

As for your work load all i can do is wish you loads of luck and please don't stress to much it's a killer. Never be scared of asking the most unusual person for help :D
Good things come in little blue hands

Postby Syd Smurf » Sat Jan 15, 2005 7:00 am
Never be scared of asking the most unusual person for help :D
That's me isn't it? :)

Actually I am leaving Karen alone and not taking up all of her time on Yahoo.....I hope I am not the reason you are so far behind.

Sorry to hear about all of the problems and to lose a message is just down right rude of your computer. This has happened in emails to both Gerda and Christine....and they are never the same the second time around.

Hope things improve soon Kazza :D

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