It's hard to find information out on these but from what I have seen (anyone can correct me if I'm wrong) but I have a box of 6 released through "toys r us".
I also have a set of 12 that includes all the previous 6, but these have mask accessories for the female smurfs aka from the "lost village" movie.
Now I see this set of 16 that includes all the previous 6 / 12 smurfs but they now all have accessories (whereas only the female ones did in the set of 12) and the accessories are different than the lost village set. I think these may have been sold in surprise bags where you couldn't see which one you were getting???
They are really nice with swiveling arms, heads and bodies (just like on the exorcist movies) but they are hard to find and harder to find information on.
Some describe me as being "three smurfs short of s complete set"

... now I can confirm this.