Thanks for the images!
They are not in the "classic smurfy" form (white trousers, white cap), but at least I like 2.0763 and 2.0764. To say more about them I'll wait for clearer images (or even wait for holding them in my hands). 2.0767 reminds me of
this McDonald's smurf (photo from Moey's website). Just turn the smurf's head a bit (this is possible with the Non-PVC McDonald's smurf

) and they look very similar.
I tried to translate their names:
2.0760 Captain smurf
2.0761 Pirate smurfette
2.0762 Pirate smurf
2.0763 Ship's boy smurf
2.0764 Ship's cook smurf
2.0765 Lookout smurf
2.0766 Treasure hunter smurf
2.0767 Privateer smurf
Does anyone know whether these will be the only new smurfs in 2014? With the third film coming in 2015 I think there won't be movie style smurfs this year...