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Postby Wakko » Tue Dec 18, 2012 10:21 am
Over the past few years I've been slowly putting together a Smurf collection for myself, but unlike a lot of you, I'm not a completist. Instead, I'm focusing on creating my own village that consists only of specifically named Smurfs (either from the comics, cartoon or movie). My goal is to eventually have a village of 100 specific Smurfs.

In doing so, I've been amazed that there are several named Smurfs that have never been made into a figure or have only been made into a figure one time. I was surprised to find that there was no specific "Clumsy" figure until the movie figure came out. (Yes, there was a "tripping" figure that would make a good substitute, but none of them had the trademark wrinkly/low-brim hat until the movie figure.)

Right now, my collection only consists of Hefty, Brainy, Grouchy, Vanity, Farmer, Gutsy, Clockwork, Handy, Chef, Smurfette, Papa, Jokey, Clumsy, Dreamy (I use the sitting Smurf for him), Painter and Harmony. I recently won an eBay auction that will allow me to add Timid, Baker, Greedy, Hunter and Lazy (I'm going to use the one in the nightshirt holding a candle for him).

When the 2013 Smurfs come out, I'm going to use the Valentine one for Enamored, the Sorry one for Weepy, and the Sick one for Sneezy/Sickly.

Does anyone else collect like I do? And which named Smurfs do you think I should hunt down next?

Postby andriescom » Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:14 pm
I don't collect like you do. I am trying to build up a base set of all the Smurfs.I'm not into variations, though in the course of collecting I have gotten a few.

Wild Smurf would be a cool addition. What about Astro, Black Smurf, Painter (or Artist), Baby, King Smurf, Spy Smurf, Convict Smurf? King, Convict and Spy would make a nice "trilogy" as they were all in the same comic.

Just my thoughts.

One day I will own the praying Smurfs...

Postby Smurfysmurf » Tue Dec 18, 2012 4:29 pm
Interesting choice for Lazy...I always thought the sunbather was Lazy :).

My collecting really has changed over the years...I started out as a small child before the cartoon series came out (I never knew of it until the 90s) and had the smurfs we found on fleamarkets which were mostly the Bully molds and the plain smurfs (for example, I never had the chester or chemist as a child).

Later, I only bought the smurfs I liked which excluded pretty much all of the new generation smurfs, smurflings, Grandpa and Nanny...then I started actively looking for the smurfs that were in the cartoon series. I hated any that never appeared in the books or series..and could not stand having them in my collection..which lead me to some weird decisions as to sell my gown and tuxedo smurfette and smurf...piano smurf, history smurfs and other pretty rare smurfs that I later rebought for much more money than I originally was able to get them for.

And then I joined Blue Cavern..and very soon I was looking for excuses to keep any smurf :)

I still have a hard time buying some smurfs..for example I never liked the star sign smurfs and it took me a while to get the set..I do own them because I want to keep having a complete Schleich smurf collection :D
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Postby André » Wed Dec 19, 2012 7:59 am
That is a great idea Wakko :cheers:

I really like that and I am also a fan of the comics. As you may know my research about the history of the Schleich-smurfs is many times connected to the comics. Especially the early ones.

Have you seen the movie from 1976, the smurfs and the magic flute? In that comic papa smurf describes the differences in characters to Pewitt, when he asks how papasmurf can recognize the smurfs when they all look the same. It is a song.

In that movie they many times descibes clumsy. He gets more and more bandages all the time and I would definatly say that the injured Bully made in 1977 is based on Clumsy. But that is just my opinion and I am sure there are many PVC-smurfs that we could use for different characters.

In the movie when Johann and Pewitt visits you can see these characters described by Papasmurf:

Handy( holding a wrench)
Clumsy (injured)
Lazy( leaning on a shovel) Personally my favorite is the Bullyvariation of lazy.
Poet ( looks just like the early Schleich one with feather and paper)
Naughty ( with his tounge out looking just like Bully smurf 20077)
Baker( fond of food and eats all the time. Looks mostly like 20080 biscuit)
Hammersmurf ( hide the hammer behind the back and hits brainy all the time. Also in this case the Bully variation 20096 is the best one if you ask me. )
Clown. When papa descibes the musiksmurf he says he is the one arranging all the partys and then he looks like the Bully-clown from 1976.
The axesmurf is also in the movie since they cut down a large tree to make a new flute and need the centre of the tree to get the best quality.

Basicly most of the smurfs both Schleich and Bully made pre 1978 are based on personality rather than profession. When Schleich started making smurfs for companies as promos many different new smurfs arrived which not always is based on characters from the comics or the movies.

Good luck with your project I am really looking forward seeing pictures! :cheers: :-D And as said the combination-options are endless, depending on personal choices! :D

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby André » Wed Dec 19, 2012 8:19 am
I found the complete movie on youtube. In 5 parts.

Go forward to about 10:30 in this 3rd part and listen to the song. :D


I also noticed that the translations and names are different in Swedish and english. In swedish they say musicsmurf and in english they seems to say actorsmurf for the ones arranging parties and dresses like a clown?? :-? :cheers:

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby Wakko » Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:16 am
I really appreciate everyone's help. After scouring several on-line sources, I've come up with a list of 93 different "named" Smurfs. I welcome anyone's input or corrections!

Here are the ones that have specific figures made for them or there are good "substitutes" available:
1. Alchemist
2. Angel
3. Actor
4. Architect
5. Baby
6. Baker
7. Barber
8. Black
9. Brainy
10. Carpenter
11. Chef
12. Clockwork
13. Clumsy
14. Dabbler/Doctor
15. Dentist
16. Devil
17. Disabled
18. Dreamy
19. Editor
20. Enamored
21. Farmer
22. Finance
23. Fireman
24. Fisher
25. Flying
26. Grandpa
27. Greedy
28. Grouchy
29. Gutsy
30. Handy
31. Harmony
32. Hefty
33. Hunter
34. Jokey
35. King/Emporer
36. Lazy
37. Lumberjack
38. Miller
39. Miner/Coalminer
40. Nanny
41. Nat
42. Nurse
43. Painter
44. Papa
45. Poet
46. Postman
47. Reporter
48. Sassette
49. Sloppy/Stinky
50. Slouchy
51. Smurfette
52. Snappy
53. Sneezy/Sickly/Chilly
54. Sporty
55. Spy
56. Sweepy
57. Tailor
58. Thief
59. Timber
60. Timid/Bashful
61. Tracker
62. Traveler
63. Vanity
64. Weepy
65. Wild
66. Naughty
67. Drummer

Here are ones that I don't think are represented in figure form at all (some of them, I know would be difficult to represent in figure form, like how do you portray "Pushover"?):
1. Archeologist
2. Blacksmith
3. Clockwork Smurfette
4. Crazy/Noisy
5. Dopey
7. Equilibrist
8. Fakir
9. Flighty
10. Mango
11. Marco/Submariner
12. Narrator
13. Navigator
14. Nobody/Somebody
15. Nosey
16. Paleontologist
17. Passive-Aggressive
18. Potter
19. Pretentious
20. Pushover
21. Reflection
22. Scaredy/Panicky
23. Sculptor
24. Showoff
25. Tuffy
26. Weakling
27. Wooly

Postby Cassiebsg » Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:38 am
Nice way of collecting. :-D

However, if you want the original "99/100" smurfs, then you have some that don't qualify. Like Clockwork, that was a robot made by Handy; black smurf isn't a "specific" smurf either, baby, granma/nanny, granpa, sasssete, etc aren't original smurfs either, they show up later on. (have no idea where granma and granpa come from, though...)
And remember you can only have 1 smurffete. ;)

PS - Think you're missing Astronaut in your list. :D
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Postby André » Wed Dec 19, 2012 12:51 pm
Schleich released the smurflings in 1987, because of the new comic sold in 1988. Les petits schtroumpfs. I have that album. 3 smurfs travel back in time and gets smaller and later takes Gargamels formula when he made Smurfette. They wanted to make a girlfriend for Smurfette because she was lonely as she was the only female in the village. They then made Sassette in a bathtub. :cheers:

I think it could been in cartoons in US first?

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby Wakko » Wed Dec 19, 2012 1:23 pm
Nice way of collecting. :-D

However, if you want the original "99/100" smurfs, then you have some that don't qualify. Like Clockwork, that was a robot made by Handy; black smurf isn't a "specific" smurf either...
Yeah, I realize this. The problem is that even if I do include Clockwork and Black and others you mentioned, I still don't reach a count of 100. So I included them for that reason, to beef up the numbers.

Postby paolo » Wed Dec 19, 2012 3:18 pm
I believe that there is a poster originally inserted into the Spirou magazine with the 100 smurfs and a brief description of them all.

Postby André » Thu Dec 20, 2012 1:55 am
Thanks Paolo,

you are correct of course. :-D Did not think of that. :banghead:

Here they are. :cheers:

http://www.bdoubliees.com/journalspirou ... ombien.htm

the problem would be to find the most suitable figurines for them all? :-? See if I can translate the names with google translate. My french is close to zero understanding!! :banghead: :lol:

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby André » Thu Dec 20, 2012 2:03 am
Here is a quick translation with Google to explain the other characters added later:

"If you want the answer to this question in the albums, you will have difficulty finding the answer. In Schtroumpfissime after the departure of the great Smurf, there is a vote with 96 votes Schtroumpfissime for, 2 against and one white. We deduce that there are 99 + Smurfs Smurf is the largest 100 Smurfs. In the next album, it was the arrival of Smurfette. Then there is 101 Smurfs. A few albums later (album "false Smurf") in the story "The 100th Smurf" Smurfs there are 99 at the beginning of the story. Two Smurfs have therefore disappeared!

In fact, the albums do not include stories in chronological order of publications in Spirou (shown below). Taking this chronological order, we see that everything is coherent and count the Smurfs.

In 1962, the mini-story "the hundredth Smurf", we learn that there are 99 Smurfs. In this story, after a storm, a new Smurf is created: the hundredth Smurf Smurf who becomes like any other at the end of the story.

So there until 1962, and 99 Smurfs 100 from that date. The Schtroumpfissime published in 1964 and therefore it is normal to have 99 voting at the general lack Smurf.

In 1966, Gargamel creates Smurfette Smurf becomes the 101st.

In 1985, a crane deposits the baby Smurf Smurf's house before the musician. It is the 102nd Smurf.

In 1988, the angry Smurf, Smurf Smurf molasson nature and kids again: the little Smurfs. These are not new Smurfs are always 102. With the method of Gargamel, they create "Sassette" which became the 103rd Smurf.

Subsequently, the handyman Smurf Smurf creates robot that can count as the 104th Smurf.

The old old Smurf to 105

Smurf sauvege is the 106th.

Conclusion: there are 106 Smurfs. You can now participate qux games that ask this question."

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby André » Thu Dec 20, 2012 2:22 am
Translation of the smurfs. But many things are wrong so someone speaking french should change it a bit. :? :D

1 Papa Smurf
Smurf 2 current (not regular)
3 Smurf ordinary (not current)
4 moralizing Smurf (Smurf glasses)
5 Smurf sulky
6 Smurf singing
7 Smurf did not like the Smurfs singing
8 Flying Smurf
9 amazed Smurf
10, 11 twins Smurfs
12-16 fivefold Smurfs
17 Smurf greedy
18 Smurf Smurf with fire
19 injured Smurf
20 Smurf laughing
21 Smurf crying
Acrobat 22 Smurf
23 Smurf exhausted
24 Smurf amazed (not to be confused with the No. 9)
25 Smurf skilful as rolling
26 Smurf musician
Grumpy Smurf 27
28 Smurf poet
29 Smurf farmer
30 Smurf careful
Smurf from 31 (not to be confused with the smurf board)
Lazy Smurf 32
33 black Smurf
34 black painted Smurf blue
35 Smurf twisting
36 Smurf twisted
37 Smurf pretentious
38 fell on his Smurf Smurf
39 Smurf lovers
40 Smurf bewildered (not to be confused with Nos. 9 and 24)
41 Smurf aqueous
42 Smurf who ate too much deSalsepareille
43 Smurf place
44 Smurf upside down (note that the reverse is the place)
45 Smurf distracted
46 Smurf rude
47 Smurf upset
48 Smurf fool
49 Smurf joker
50 Smurf surprised (not to be confused with Nos. 9, 24 and 40
51 Smurf back
52 Schtroumpfobole
53 Smurf hungry (not ears)
54 Smurf thinker
55 Smurf timid
56 Smurf handyman
57 Smurf horse
58, 59 Smurfs-principle
60 Smurf interrogative
61 Smurf exclamatory
62 Smurf expectatif
63 Smurf dancing
64 Smurf stunned (not to be confused with Nos. 9, 24, 40 and 50)
Smurf 65 fighter
66 Smurf scared
67 Smurf pointing
68 angry Smurf
69 Smurf sad
70 Smurf charitable
71 Smurf chilly
72 Smurf disguised enSchtroumpf
73 Smurf pretty
74 Pilate Smurf
75 Smurf nice
76 Smurf scared (not to be confused with Nos. 9, 24, 40, 50 and 64)
77 Smurf Blue angry
78 Smurf as other
79 Smurf admiring
80 Smurf beefy
81 SchtroumpfSchtroumpf pests
82 in Smurfs broken foot
83 Sale-Smurf
84 Smurf talkative
85 Smurf head near the bonnet
Smurf 86 Barbershop
87 Smurf stoic
88 Smurf is always designated as a volunteer for the missions that we may not return
89 Smurf happily starting to work
90 Smurf coloring
91-93 Smurf the queu leu leu
94 Smurf leu
95 Smurf stupid (not to be confused with Nos. 9, 24, 40, 50, 64 and 76)
96 Smurf reached baldness
97 Smurf replacing another at short notice
98 Smurf tiles
99-catatonic Smurf hébéphréno
Hundredth Smurf 100
101 Smurfette
102 Baby Smurf
103 Sassette
104 Smurf robot

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby André » Thu Dec 20, 2012 2:34 am
They also write like this:

"In reviewing the album, you can try to find the names of the Smurfs appear from the names given above. You will discover that the Smurfs have names not listed above. Who is who? Do not hesitate to send me your suggestions:

Schtroumpfissime (Smurf pretentious?)
Smurf like no other
Cosmoschtroumpf (Smurf smurf on fire?)
Smurf molasson
Smurf Nature"

I have all the old albums and I many times see the name kosmosmurf or Astrosmurf. But I am not sure if that one is a the same as flying or dreaming, because after his trip to the Schwips( wilder) he don´t want to travel to moon again. So it could be another character going through a phase??? :-?

But for me Astro should be there somewhere, eventhough under another name?? :-? :lol:

Also remember that this list is from Peyo and made in the 60s. :-D :-D :-D

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby André » Thu Dec 20, 2012 2:42 am
The fun thing would be like Wakko says to put a Schleich or Bully figurine behind all these names! :-D

Eventhough when doing a village with hundred smurfs many other things could be personal choices. Like if you would like to use accessories or not. Moonset, westernset, smurfette bedroom etc; in that case some smurfs not in peyos list would be better to use. :o :D

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby André » Thu Dec 20, 2012 2:45 am
What is the difference between Schtroumpf courant and Schtroumpf ordinaire? Need some help there! :? One of them should be normalsmurf I assume?

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby Cassiebsg » Thu Dec 20, 2012 3:58 am
Wow, thanks Paolo for the heads up, and thanks to Andre for finding and linking this. That was great reading!

I'm not french speaking, so can't be sure there. But in Portuguese if we call one "ordinary" that would mean that he/she has a "bad/foul mouth" (as in the sense of saying curse words and the likes... ), but again, I don't know if French ppl use that word in that way also.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Postby Wakko » Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:03 am
Wow, everyone, thanks so much for your input!

It's becoming obvious to me that there is no clear-cut list of 100 Smurfs. Going by all the lists available from various media, it's obvious now that there are more than 100, although some of them appear to be repeat names or variations of the same idea.

I think I'm going to slowly put together my own "canon" of 100 Smurfs, based on which names I like the best, which ones have had figures made, and which of those figures I like the best. (And I'll once again complain that they've never made a decent Poet figure... I HATE the one that looks like he has a crook in his neck.)

I'll post pictures soon of my 18-figure (and growing) collection.

Postby Wakko » Fri Dec 21, 2012 8:25 am
Here's my tiny village so far (on my desk at work).

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