As all of you know, personal circumstances have kept me from being as active as usual in 2012, and I know I have not been the only one with personal challenges. All of us had/have those, and yet you have found or made the time to check in, to post or reply to threads.
I have to admit at times I feel bad because we are not in the position to offer exclusive items or gifts, and it makes your faithfulness to this forum so much more appreciated and I just wanted you to know this

There are a lot of members, who visit Blue Cavern every day but who do not post for different reasons..but please know that your faithfulness in visiting is as much appreciated as if you were to post every day.
I pray each one of you and your families will have a smurfy, healthy and just wonderful Christmas season and for those of us for who found 2012 something else...may we find 2013 to be a wonderful year