Have not received my set yet but orderd it already.. can't wait to smell that new smurf smell

Sorry to say this Andre, but that answer is not good enough. There are so much romours flying around at the moment about color. numbers etc etc, that i actually phoned schleich personally and asked a few of my own and the marketing manager can not conferm that there is a missing smurf, but what she can confirm is that schleich is a large international company and although they do make mistakes she can assure me that they would not of got catalogue numbers wrong as it would mess up there systems. So its a wait and see.
@smurfowen: Andre has already answered that mystery here: http://forum.bluecavern.com/viewtopic.p ... 088#183088
I don´t think anyone have talked about a missing smurf??? Schleich only confirmed to me that this number was "forgotten", meaning not used for some reason, nothing about a missing smurf. They don´t have any item connected to that articlenumber and that also seems to be the answer you got I assume??? It is not that hard for Schleich to check if they have an active articlenumber or not, especially not a new one??Sorry to say this Andre, but that answer is not good enough. There are so much romours flying around at the moment about color. numbers etc etc, that i actually phoned schleich personally and asked a few of my own and the marketing manager can not conferm that there is a missing smurf, but what she can confirm is that schleich is a large international company and although they do make mistakes she can assure me that they would not of got catalogue numbers wrong as it would mess up there systems. So its a wait and see.
@smurfowen: Andre has already answered that mystery here: http://forum.bluecavern.com/viewtopic.p ... 088#183088
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