One of the projects I have been working on with Chris is a Smurf Trade Exchange. It will be a searchable database where people can list their items for sale and items wanted. They will be able to state the following info:
Username (they will create this when they register)
Type: Wanted/Offered
Smurf name
If you believe this smurf to be fake or are unsure then please tick this box (box here)
Other comments (bigger box)
I bought this smurf from (text box big enough for I can’t remember, ebay, etc.)
This item is worth to me (monetary amount in pounds/euros/dollars, etc)
A note here: Please note that shipping is extra and if you require insurance it is the buyer’s responsibility to pay for it.
Methods of payment I accept or can pay with
Email address (will have clickable link so someone can automatically send an email to the seller/buyer).
Because it will be a database it will be searchable so if you are looking for a say a Jungle Smurf you will just tap in Jungle and it will pull up results of anyone who is selling or wanting one of these. If anyone has any additional ideas for this then please let me know. It is designed to make trading or selling smurfs much easier and with the way ebay is going I am hoping it will give people an alternative way of finding nice cheap smurfs.