I got into Smurfs a couple of years ago due to my daughter. I love the little blue guys and they have a shelf in my room (and much moe space taken over in my daughters) and I have certainly made my self a presence here on the Smurf message boards. I love smurfs what can I say. But there is something else.
Many of you may not know this but I am also a puppeteer. I run a puppet group for the school I teach at and Puppetry is probably one of my favorite things in all the world. As such I am a big Muppet fan as well. Have been for many many years.
Anyways I probably spent just as much time on the muppet message boards as I now spend here. I love talking about any of my hobbies with fellow fans. Here however is the interesting things.
Many muppet fans seem to be hyper critical, negative, and distant. Not all of them but many of them are. I've always felt I've needed to be careful about what I say (or even showing videos of my puppetry) on those boards. I have very few close friends i have made in the puppetry world because of this.
The Smurf collectors community however is very different. The people here are positive and helpful. Always willing to accept "newbies" and willing to take people where they are at. We love to show off our collections but never put people down who don't buy everything or sit there and be negative towards those who don't have as many smurfs as other people do. I am very happy to be part this community. You guys are amazing and I think its because of this group here that my interest in smurfs has gron over the last couploe of years. I've made some real true blue friends here and will be hanging around for many years to come. Muppets will always be a passion of mine... but thanks to all of you Smurfs will be right up there too. I'll be in line opening Day for Smurfs two and for any other Muppet movies that come out as well... and on a side note... My puppet that I use is BLue