great displays Maureen! well done! Look forward to seeing how you setup the display
Vanity Smurf is out in my local McDonalds today on my stop home. I have been checking other McDonald stores all week and they all are still on the first 2 smurfs apart from the one close to my work. This is becoming expensive, lol. Sofar I have ended up with 14 each of Hefty & Harmony, 15 of Chef (I was making up the number to 14 but the woman couldn't count and I was given an extra Chef for free, hehe).. & I have 5 of Greedy (not sure but my local didn't seem to have many of these. I'm guessing probably because he is one of the two that weren't released in the Asian McDonalds so I really need to find these somewhere else) and now 5 of Vanity. I was only planning to make 10 sets.. then decided to cap it at 12... but then my mum bought some happy meals and got 3 more of each the Hefty and Harmony, which brought the total on those to 14 so I guess I'll have to cap it again at 14 sets

or still cap at 12 and make up the other sets later on down the track with finding them at markets etc... all this smurfing around hehe