Hiya so glad to have you back with us and glad you are safe and sound.

thankyou for your nice words about my models still so much i want to do but just havent had the time recently but hopfull in the near future i can get on with my building projects.
The doors on most of my houses dont open but they could do if i put small higes on them. I did think about having the doors open but as there just for display perposes i didnt feel i needed tem to open so just glued most of the doors in.
I do still have my castle even though after I split up with my x wife (long story not a good time but all worked out fine and for the best in the end.

It was sat in her garage for a good couple of years and was very badly damaged and broken but when i got it back i managed to rescure it and repair it and its now as good as new with better bits fixed onto it now. its up in my smurf space along with all my other buildings waiting for me to finish the village display area so I can set them all up properly.
My buildings are mainly made from home made clay made out of good old flour, salt and water. I then sculpt them all over the top of a cardbord under frame coverd with news paper and tin foil were needed. I use Daz modeling clay now for the more delacate fidly bits. I then paint them all up with acrilic paints then i use a weather and proofing stuff called paverpol to coat the whole thing in it helps make them damp and weather proof as it can get damp during the winter months up in the loft and it dameds a lot of my first buildings but luckily i repaired them and treated them all.
As for feathers I made a tin foil and cardbord skelliton then used Daz clay to sculped over the top. ( did the same gor gargamel and azreal but used home made clay for them.)
anyways glad to have you back.

feel free to P.M me any time .
Smurfy regards