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Postby Pitufo » Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:50 pm
I agree with you Paolo...I love the smurfs in the movie, but I'd prefer Schleich go back to the usual comic-style smurfs nest year :D

Postby Smurfysmurf » Mon Aug 08, 2011 5:06 pm
Surely they will be....I thought the smurfs in the movie and their pictures were quite cute...but as Schleich figures they are extremely lacking :o
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Postby bwalters » Mon Aug 08, 2011 8:17 pm
Well The Smurf movie is now ahead of Cowboys and aliens by 5 million dollars. And it will get better. I don't think that includes any sales from overseas. The Smurfs movie is expected to do really well over there.
Mr Bill

Postby Gerda » Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:44 am
Well The Smurf movie is now ahead of Cowboys and aliens by 5 million dollars. And it will get better. I don't think that includes any sales from overseas. The Smurfs movie is expected to do really well over there.
I was surprised to hear it was still in the top three over the weekend. Smurfs sure are showing everyone how it's done :-D
happily smurfing along

Postby Tracker Smurf » Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:30 am
Its over all total is actually well above cowboys and aliens....kids movies ussually play better on weekdays than something like cowboys and aliens.... it doesn't hurt that it is one of the few family friendly movies out and one of the few 3d movies still playing...which means more smurfs in the future :)

Postby Tojo » Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:37 am
La la la la la la sing a happy song :-D :-D
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby eggie smurf » Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:00 pm
Surely they will be....I thought the smurfs in the movie and their pictures were quite cute...but as Schleich figures they are extremely lacking :o
Completely agree....I LOVE the smurfs in the movie but as Schleich or Jakks Pacific figures....they give me nightmares!!
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby Tojo » Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:12 pm
I have the same problem but I'm not quite sure what the reason is. Perhaps it's the shape of the heads or that they are skinnier than Schleich smurfs. They just don't have the same cuteness that the original comic & cartoon smurfs have when in plastic form.

In the film they're excellent though.
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:52 am
I went to the movie with my dad yesterday and we loved it!!! :D There are so many allusions to other movies to be fond (e.g. to "The Seven-Year Itch" and "The Matrix") and scenes that captured my heart like the dad to dad talk, that Papa Smurf and Patrick had on the roof. :smitten: To those of you who haven't seen the movie, I recommend you to watch the credits. (There are so many goofs as well.) Too bad that I learned that were people being dressed up as smurfs the day before yesterday and what you were allowed to take pics with them. The additional characters of Gutsy and the story-teller were fab as well!!! I asked as well for the beakers, but they were only to be sold with the menu, which was way too expensive. :( I sincerely hope to find them at a fleamarket or at Blue Paradise. Sadly, there weren't any displays to be found in the foyer. :( There were so many people watching the 3d version with us and yep I would appreciate many sequels!!! :D

Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:24 am
Btw. I talked to Manni on the phone about the movie and he said that he wanted to see it as well. :D

Postby Tracker Smurf » Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:35 am
and scenes that captured my heart like the dad to dad talk, that Papa Smurf and Patrick had on the roof.
That is one of my favorite scenes especially when you think about the fact that he was acting against a stuffed animal until they put in the naimation. I wanted to give Papa SMurf a hug :)

Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:44 am
So true!!! I wanted to hug Papa as well. :hug:

Postby XoioX2000 » Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:05 pm
Hello everyone! Yeap I agree with you all: I wasnt sure what this was going to be like and actually it was really good! Loved it!.

Went with my boy and saw it in 3D! Great time and he love it too!!! :)


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Postby bradley » Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:02 am
Ive bought tickets today for an advanced screening on the 28th August!!! Yay! dont have to wait until September 15. Very excited. Not this weekend but the weekend after. My sister has already seen the movie before me via a non smurfy way but she is teasing me about it haha. Oh with this screening they have a kids club on before and the website says a free gift... just wondering if it will be something smurfy. might have to go join the kids club just incase. i dont think we get any sort of promotional popcorn cups drink toppers etc here in aus.. not that ive ever noticed so i dont expect anything like that. it would be nice though and ill be checking anyway.

Postby mauve » Mon Sep 05, 2011 11:17 pm
went to watch the Smurfs movie last Friday, granted, i did not see it in 3D though as 3D films give me headache :(
Oh My Smurf! i love the movie! :D it was awesome, and i kept chuckling throughout the movie :-D

but somehow, i still prefer the cartoon to the cgi / live action. i wish the sequel will focus more on the Smurf Village, and also the characters of Handy, Hefty, Jokey, Vanity, Greedy...

Postby bradley » Thu Sep 08, 2011 4:11 pm
I haven't had time to sit down and write my thoughts on the movie.. i saw it a couple of weeks ago at the advance screening. But there is one week left until the movie is officially released on the 15th when I plan to go see it again! Can't wait! But first off what an eventful screening it was!! The movie was supposed to start at 2pm but didn't start until almost 4pm. We had to wait very long because of a man who tripped over and hurt his ankle. We had to wait for an ambulance to arrive to attend to him and take him out of the cinema on a stretcher. Not sure if he broke or just strained. But i just found it very funny the whole delay. But all the mums in there were getting very angry and all the kids were running around. But luckily by the time the movie started a lot of people had left who wouldn't stay and wait and we all got given free movie tickets.

While we waited though they had 2 massive papa and smurfette plush to have your photo taken with and they gave them away as prizes. You had to look under your seat for a winning message. No luck for me, heh. I had my photo taken with them anyway :) see attached... oh, LOL and we had a 3 pack Kinder Surprise and I lost one when I went to take my photo... spot the kinder in the photo, HAHA. Lucky I lost the one that wasn't a smurf. I got 2 smurfs out of the 3 so that was lucky. Some kid would have found it, lol.

Will comment later on the movie, still don't have time as I'm off to work very shortly. But I will say that I loved the movie!
Me at advanced screening smurfs movie.jpg
Me at advanced screening smurfs movie.jpg (62.98 KiB) Viewed 5198 times

Postby Tojo » Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:30 am
Shame you didn't win one of the plushes Brad - they would be so cool to own :D
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby bradley » Fri Sep 09, 2011 4:47 am
Shame you didn't win one of the plushes Brad - they would be so cool to own :D
yeah I know. I badly wanted one. 2 undeserving kids won them :-D
Saw the little boy holding the big papa on the way out of the cinema. My mum says to me, just grab it and run, LOL! :)

Postby bradley » Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:00 am
ok, here we go. The movie was truly amazing. I loved it. It was better than I expected and it was very respectful of the smurfs and their history. The references to Peyo were perfect. This movie really worked. And obviously it sounded like a disaster back when we learnt that the smurfs would be in 3D and it would be live action and they would be in our world New York. That sounds terrible but surprisingly it was great and they made it work.

Loved the opening scenes in Smurf village. The new village was stunning. Loved how they showed the village was hidden and hilarious when Gargamel finds it. That running gag was funny.... throwing Azrael into every situation first and then asking 'are you dead?' lol. Garagmel and Azrael were so funny. Especially in the restaurant scene :) And poor Azrael! talk about animal cruelty, hehe.

The smurfs were great. Again not sure why they created a new smurf Gutsy, but he was great anyway. Don't really get why he is called Gutsy... when his personality trait is obviously scottish smurf. Clumsy Smurf they definitely made his character more cute and lovable than the cartoon character which was a doofus clutz and often annoying. Same goes for Brainy Smurf. He was also not as annoying as the cartoon... but I just wanted to hear him say just once 'papa smurf always says...' Katie Perry did great with the voice of Smurfette. Suited her. Was surprised she didn't sing a song to tie in with the movie... but the worst part of the film was when the smurfs started playing guitar hero and singing... :eek:

Grouchy had more issues than the cartoon version who was a smurf of very few words. And have to say my favourite movie smurf was Papa Smurf. I thought he was wonderful. OH! who was the crazy smurf! How hilarious was that when Gargamel was smashing the village up and Papa turns to Crazy and tells him to sound the alarm and he starts making alarm noises with his mouth, haha.... and a mention of a passive-aggressive smurf :) Hope they bring in a few more of our smurfs for the sequel like Vanity, Jokey or Hefty. Loved the final showdown with Gargamel where all the smurfs were involved. I thought that was perfect to bring all the characters into it.

The human cast was great! Neil Patrick Harris especially. and that whole storyline was nice. The whole movie gave me the feeling that it had such a huge heart. It was very touching and sweet overall. Really well done and very funny. I'm so happy and look forward to seeing it again next weekend. And I thought the 3D was amazing! Wasn't a fan before... although the only 3D movie I had seen was Avatar.. and that was a long movie and I didn't think it was overall anything special. But the 3D worked perfect for the smurfs. At one point where Gargamel was zapping Papa.... Papa smurf came straight out of the screen.. i was amazed! very cool!

can't think of anything else right now to comment on.. oh apart from did you notice when Gutsy shot out of the cannon in the toy shop that he lands in the section of Schliech toys :D Little things like that are just really well thought out. I hope they do as much justice to the sequel as they have here and not rush out some rubbish because the movie has made so many million dollars. Would love to see the characters stay in their world.. possibly bring Neil Patrick Harris into their world to help the smurfs??? I don't know how they could keep bringing them into our world.. that idea will get too old very quick.

ok... :D

Postby Tracker Smurf » Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:29 pm
One of the best reviews I ha ve read yet... I agree with all of it... and Brainy was actually useful too :)
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