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Postby bradley » Sun Aug 29, 2010 3:55 am
Just wanted to share, I bought a house. I have been house hunting for months & finally had an offer accepted. I got the keys to 2 weeks ago. But there has been a lot of work to do first before I can start moving in. Hopefully I should be in sometime in September. But the past few weeks have been busy with cleaning, painting, gutted the whole bathroom which was dated & disgusting & there are so many other jobs still to do. A lot of hard work. Its like the previous owner had never cleaned or ever done any maintenance to the house. But we are fixing it up & it will be like new. Surprising how much we've done in a short amount of time sofar. House is in a perfect location & I have hills & seaviews which is a plus! And also when I move I will finally have a separate room for my smurfs... a 'smurf room'! Exciting! I have been slowly packing away my collection & its just about all boxed now. See photo.

If anyone who hasn't seen my photos on facebook would like to take a look at some photos of my house & the progress sofar here is the link

http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2 ... e2bfca29df
mysmurfcollectionboxed.jpg (107.45 KiB) Viewed 5174 times

Postby Tintin » Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:20 am
Hi Bradley

Good luck and enjoy yourself with your new own place !!!!!!


Postby bradley » Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:24 am
Hi Bradley

Good luck and enjoy yourself with your new own place !!!!!!

Hey Tintin, hope you are well! Big step finally moving out of home & into my own place. Should be interesting, lol. But it will be great to have my own space + peace & quiet.. hehe

Postby Tintin » Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:29 am

You told me before you were looking for a house.
So finally you found one............... :-D

Hope you will have such a nice smurfy room as before !!!


Postby bradley » Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:34 am

You told me before you were looking for a house.
So finally you found one............... :-D

Hope you will have such a nice smurfy room as before !!!

yeah... its taken most of this year to find a house & so finally I have one. Looked at so many open inspections... such absolute crap houses in my price range. got very lucky with this house I brought. So I'm happy!

My smurf room will definitely take inspiration from your amazing display setup as well as all the other collections I have seen... I'll finally have a whole room for them not just 1 wall... and I won't have to share my bedroom with thousands of smurf eyes watching me sleep. lol

Postby Beers » Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:38 am
Well Done Brad, you did it ! :D

And good luck to you in your new home ! The views sound very nice ! 8)


Postby Lia » Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:48 am
It looks very nice Bradley!

not bad for a first house! :D
It`s clear that you don`t live with 16 million people on a few square meters, like the Dutch.
( personally,I really can`t complain though)
(I believe, Australia is 240 times bigger then Holland)
Congratulations, also for the smurfroom!!


Postby Cassiebsg » Sun Aug 29, 2010 11:16 am
Congratulations Bradley! :cheers: :-D

I know how exciting moving to a new house feels! The house looks great!
Am just wondering why you replaced a bathtub for a smaller one?? (looks rather small to me :eek: ).

Good luck with the move, I know how tiring that can be.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Postby André » Sun Aug 29, 2010 11:31 am
Congrats in finding a new home for yourself and your smurfs Brad.

I hope you all will have a great time in the new house once moving in!! :-D

I just feel sorry for the small blue ones. They have to stay in those boxes for a long time. :o :( :lol:

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby stampysmurf » Sun Aug 29, 2010 3:31 pm
Congratulations on your new house! :D

Postby bradley » Mon Aug 30, 2010 3:05 am
thanks everyone. Big job moving all the smurfs let alone the work that has to be done on the house before I can move. But it feels good to be a home owner :D Should be another 2-3 weeks before I start moving.
And good luck to you in your new home ! The views sound very nice ! 8)
its funny because I'm not even close to the sea, ha! Maybe a 5-10 minute drive. But my house is on a hill on the high side of the road. House is also raised so you can clearly see the ocean in the distance. And then directly in front & to the other side are the hills. Very nice views. Will have to take some photos when the weather clears up. We've had so much rain & cold days these past few months. Need some nice sunny weather for working on the weekends.
Am just wondering why you replaced a bathtub for a smaller one?? (looks rather small to me :eek: ).
The bath tub is just the standard size. No smaller than the old one. I think it appears to look smaller because the old bath was centered on that wall & both sides were filled to the walls. So the whole bath went from wall to wall. So we've placed the new bath into the corner leaving some floor space at the end next to the toilet. I think it'll make the room look bigger & extra space for a wash basket or towl rack on the wall. I never have baths so will probaly never use it. Always shower. But for re-sell value in the long run you need a bath tub. Brought the floor tiles on the weekend so this will be the next job for the weekend! Plus need to buy a new toilet during the week. Its all coming along.
I just feel sorry for the small blue ones. They have to stay in those boxes for a long time. :o :( :lol:
Hopefully my smurfs aren't packed away for too long. The smurf room isn't the main priority to begin with though. So they may sit boxed up for a while. All my glass cabinets will need to be carefully transported over to my house. Can't be bothered taking them apart & putting them back together... what a pain that would be...so hopefully the glass won't break when moving them as those ikea cabinets are getting more expensive every time I go to buy another one.

Postby Arnhem Smurfs » Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:57 am
Not been on much lately...busy with nothing I guess...but than very nice to see messages like this!

Good luck in your new home!

Postby bradley » Tue Aug 31, 2010 2:59 am
thanks Ron!

Postby Smurfysmurf » Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:50 am
its funny because I'm not even close to the sea, ha! Maybe a 5-10 minute drive.
Not close to the sea???? :shock: :shock: I'd be stoked to live that far away from the sea :o :o

Only kidding...your house is coming along really nicely..and it sounds like a wonderful area to be living in :cheers:
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Postby naish510 » Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:52 am
Congratulations Bradley !!!! :D :D

Postby Tojo » Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:03 am
That's great news Brad :-D :cheers: I hope you have a lot of fun designing your smurf room.

It's great owning your own home especially if you're lucky not to have any neighbours too close so that you can play your music really loud & not have to care :-D :-D

You're soooo lucky to be that close to the sea. I grew up in a seaside town & now live about 6 hours from the coast :( :(
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby eggie smurf » Tue Aug 31, 2010 10:44 am
Congratulation on the house, Brad! Moving into your first home is always so much fun. And you have a pink kitchen....I had a HOT pink kitchen when I bought my first home with black tiles. It was hideous and was finally replaced after two years when I had saved up to gut the entire room. I see what Sandra means about the bathtub looking smaller too :) Love the smurf blue wall too. Good luck finishing everything - looks like you all did a ton of work so far and it will look brand new when you're all finished :D
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby bradley » Wed Sep 01, 2010 3:57 am
thanks everyone.
Not close to the sea???? :shock: :shock: I'd be stoked to live that far away from the sea :o :o

Only kidding...your house is coming along really nicely..and it sounds like a wonderful area to be living in :cheers:
hehe, well I never go to the beach anyway... too wet :-D but seaviews are nice... better if closer but will settle for distant views. And its a nice area I'm in... although if you go down the other side of the hill in the same suburb its a bad area, ha. I think I did really well to get a good position. Funny thing is its only 1 suburb over from where I currently live at home. Extra 1 minute or 2, I can roughly see where my house is from my mums house.
Congratulation on the house, Brad! Moving into your first home is always so much fun. And you have a pink kitchen....I had a HOT pink kitchen when I bought my first home with black tiles. It was hideous and was finally replaced after two years when I had saved up to gut the entire room. I see what Sandra means about the bathtub looking smaller too :) Love the smurf blue wall too. Good luck finishing everything - looks like you all did a ton of work so far and it will look brand new when you're all finished :D
yeah the kitchen is a sort of peach/pink colour. Not very attractive. May paint over but it might look ok after replacing the bench tops, which are also a marbled peach colour & the wall tiles around the kitchen again were also a peach colour. They've been taken off the wall now & part of the benchtop is gone. So it might look alright with white tiles & maybe a black benchtop. Bought a new oven. Yep I think the whole house will look brand new once done.

Postby Michelle » Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:17 pm
Congrats Brad,

It's just great to have your own spot to live! You'll see!!!
And the most important step is to have your own smurfroom!
It will be amazing, that's for sure!

Big hugs
SUNDAY the 12th of October 2014!! Save the date!!! The 7th edition of Blue Paradise!!!!

Blue Paradise

Postby bradley » Sun Oct 03, 2010 1:52 am
renovating complete & I've moved in this weekend. I've set all the display cabinets up in my smurf room but it will now be a big job unpacking all the smurfs & setting them all up. Have to do that bit by bit. I've taken a few pics of the empty room with the empty cabinets. I'll have to share a pic at a later date.
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