Here are some first pictures from WT's visit to Aly and Ron, Arnhem, Netherlands.
After a relatively short travel from Lia in Haren, WT first said welcome to his comrade Traveler Smurf.
It was clear where he grew up, because he directly asked for markings (SCHLEICH S™ © 1975 PEYO MADE IN HONG KONG)....
WT was surprised to see his old school teacher, still being active...
He knew there where more worldtravelers, but he was surprised to meet the full set of Snoopy's McDonald's Happy Meal 1999 "World Tour".
We wanted to offer him a nice place to sleep overnight. On his way there he ran into Santa, who just was enjoying some relaxing after the busy busy holidays. Did you know that he looses so much weight during the Xmas period, that he gets himself a new Santa suit AFTER Christmas?
So we came to the hotel which we wanted to offer him...
...but WT first wanted to meet some more friends and have some fun, singing smurfy songs:

As you can see it was a big party in all the Smurf Towers.
After the party WT was seen enjoying some ice, beer and Smurfette (??)
After that we lost him a bit, only finding him back in the morning catching some fresh air, admiring our street view...
So far for now, we prepare to go into the city soon. He really likes to see some of Arnhem's highlights before travelling on...