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Postby steveparkes » Fri May 29, 2009 4:38 pm
lol, thanks Helen, I'm sure it does :)

Cheers Dom, I'll raise a glass to your Grannie on sunday too :cheers:
Long, long ago, deep in the forest, there was a hidden village where tiny creatures lived. They called themselves the Smurfs. They were good.


Postby KiwiSchlumpf » Sat May 30, 2009 9:09 pm
Well done Steve :D

You can count on a new wee friend soon too. Its taken over six months for one to come up for auction but I have just 2 minutes ago won a all whites smurf keyring. Not sure the condition yet as it will take me a week to get it here but he looked okay on the photo. Please pm me your address and I'll get him on the way when he arrives. :cheers:

Postby Cassiebsg » Sun May 31, 2009 4:39 am
Congrats Steve!!!! :smurfwave:
Am almost impossible task achieved!!!! :-D
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Postby steveparkes » Sun May 31, 2009 9:57 am
Thanks cassie :D Daryl, many thanks for that..I'll pm you my address, thanks SO much :cheers:
Long, long ago, deep in the forest, there was a hidden village where tiny creatures lived. They called themselves the Smurfs. They were good.


Postby xxeaglesfanxx » Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:03 pm
simon told me you did this, congratz!!

:cool: :cheers: :clap:

Postby steveparkes » Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:50 pm
thanks steven :D
Long, long ago, deep in the forest, there was a hidden village where tiny creatures lived. They called themselves the Smurfs. They were good.


Postby FlamingO » Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:50 pm
Congratulations on completing you basic collection Steve :cheerz: only delayed by all those special ones :sun: :D

I have has 3 to go for bout a year now but recently found it has increased to 5. I sold 2 smurfette supers thinking they were doubles and later realised the 2 i kept were boxes only :wall: :)

Postby steveparkes » Fri Jun 05, 2009 2:16 pm
Thanks Sue :cheers: sorry to hear you sold off two smurfettes :(
Long, long ago, deep in the forest, there was a hidden village where tiny creatures lived. They called themselves the Smurfs. They were good.

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