I agree the case with the BASF smurf couple seems to be high, but we don't know yet how many of these are release like this, so depending on the rarity of this particar item the buyer might have gotten a very good deal
One thing that drives/drove the price of the BASF smurf so high is that most collectors wanted/want all six of them (six different tags) and a lot of us wanted to be among the first to be able to say we have the full set. (I still don't have the full set...I am only half way there

I have to admit I was one of them that wanted this smurf so badly that I paid way over value for it (around 60 euros), and about a year later, I was able to buy three or four in one set for the same price. This really made me decide to wait longer for the smurfette.
I also think, the reason most of us wanted to be among the first to get one of the BASF smurfs was the fact that it was so new and we didn't know how many of those would be around. It seems there are more than enough of them for everybody, so it will be very interesting to see how soon the smurfette will become affordable for most of us (meaning the price range will be between 20-30 euros). I have noticed that online stores still sell Dr Dinch for a high price.

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