Found Staci's photo (attached). No windmill pictured.. but it does show smurf cars! So more new smurfs to come!

I just checked walmart online and they are not there. How do you know they are at walmart? Did you see them in the store. (fingers crossed as I am heading to walmart today and will be going up and down the isle with a microscope checking for little smurfs.) I do know they did not have them Monday because I was just there, they are getting rid of all the indiana jones toys, poor Nicoli, but good for us if they replace these with smurfs.These are not being sold by Toys-R-Us, I checked today.
They are tho being sold in WALMART - 15.97 plus tax for the playsets, the ebay seller is trying to rip everyone off!!
Wal-mart has different least down here they do, so you probably need to compare prices or we can post them on here. We have several in Chatty and one in Dunlap and all have different prices and productsI would be seriously interesting in getting hold of the playsets and the figure sets, but I need to know the exact price beforehand. So if anyone happens to find them at their local wal-mart, please get back to me.
I know because I bought 3 of the playsets there yesterday.I just checked walmart online and they are not there. How do you know they are at walmart? Did you see them in the store. (fingers crossed as I am heading to walmart today and will be going up and down the isle with a microscope checking for little smurfs.) I do know they did not have them Monday because I was just there, they are getting rid of all the indiana jones toys, poor Nicoli, but good for us if they replace these with smurfs.These are not being sold by Toys-R-Us, I checked today.
They are tho being sold in WALMART - 15.97 plus tax for the playsets, the ebay seller is trying to rip everyone off!!
before you go Bill -I went to toys R us last night and didn't find any. Now I have to go to Walmart. Sam Walton was from my town. He went to school with my MOM. So we have three walmart supercenters and a Sam's. I guess I will have to check all 4 of them. I do a lot of traveling so I can check all the walmarts in my area.
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