As we all know, each year, Schleich discontinues about 8 of the current range smurfs. So far, the information hasn't been made public yet, but I expect it any day now.
Until then, I thought we run a competition in which every member can guess which ones will be discontinued. The competition will stop as soon as the announcement is made. The member who guess the most correct will win the prize.
If one member guess all correctly, the member will win the full range of the new 2009 smurf and a limited smuf collector's postcard. The postcard is courtesty of Frank Oswald of Gascher's. Thank you Frank for this offer

If more than one member guesses all the smurfs correctly, everybody who does will get a postcard from Gascher's, and we will put the names in a pool to determine who will win the grand prize of the 2009 smurfs.
If none of the participants guesses all the smurfs, the one with the most correct smurfs will get his pick of three of the new 2009 smurfs
Here is the current range of smurfs:
20134 Judo
20192 Smurfette with Baby
20205 Baby with Teddy
20212 Angel
20213 Devil
20411 Azrael
20412 Bride
20413 Bridegroom
20418 Gargamel
20421 Smurfette with flower
20443 Inline Skater smurfette
20449 Lead guitar
20465 Fireman
20466 Scuba Diver
20467 Chimney Sweep
20469 Smurf with Flowers
20518 Basketball smurf
20525 Goalkeeper
20527 Playmaker
20533 Classic Papa
20534 Smurfette
20536 Brainy
20537 Vanity
20538 Jokey
20539 Harmony
20540 Baby
20541 Dracula
20542 Ghost
20543 Werewolf
20544 Mummy
20545 Grim Reaper
20546 Frankenstein
20547 Witch
20548 Pumpkin
20549 Canoe
20550 Spear
20551 Archer
20552 Raindancer
20553 Peace Pipe
20554 Medicine Man
20555 Indian Smurfette
20556 Chief
20701 Anniversary
20702 Party Gargamel
20703 Party Azrael
20704 Surprise Smurfette
20705 Party Smurf
20706 Papa Smurf in tails
20707 Drummer Smurf
20708 Bottle Smurf
I took the names of the English Schleich Catalog 2008.
Please be specific in choosing which smurf you think will be discontinued and post it here.