looks like we are going to Missouri.....and it's on the way to Omaha too which is kind of cool

......Maybe we could go via Gerda's house too as I believe that's just what Robert needs......more encouragement for Gerda
I'm so excited now......where's my map? I need to plan this out and bug the hell out of Stace until going to Omaha and everywhere else just becomes preferable to me asking all of the time.
A Guiness flavoured that's one flavour I have never tried. Oh only live once right? Cheers Tojo
I used to have bourbon flavoured Slurpees but only when I was younger. It made it easier to enjoy them during school hours as no one can question a Slurpee in the classroom.....although some did question where it came from considering it was the middle of the day.
I haven't been to Missouri yet Bill. Stace has been there before and has been reluctant to go back lately.......but for each inch of pain she causes me......I have my ways of getting my own back.