It will be a little bit of a different competition this time, so please read the rules carefully and if you have any questions, let me know by posting them on here or pm me

- Take a picture of one of your smurfs while out on your summer vacation, or while enjoying a lazy summer day at home. It has to be a picture, not a drawing, and doesn't have to be a scene..but it should show a nice if you go to the beach take a picture of your smurf on the beach, if you visit a nice city, take a picture of your smurf at one of the sights. If you are not going anywhere, take a picture of the smurf in your backyard, your city..your home
- Send the picture to my e-mail or pm it to is important that you do not post it here
- I will post the picture on here without giving out your name.
- After the deadline for the submitting the pictures has passed, we will open the competition and everybody can guess who sent in what picture
- The top three guessers will win a prize which I will post later on today. The one with the most correct guesses will get to choose between the three prizes
the rules are easy:
- It has to be a new picture that hasn't been seen on a website or the forum before
- You have to send it to me so I can post it
- It has to be submitted by June 30th
- I will post them all by July 1st and everybody has one guess until July 15th after which the winners will be announced.
- Everybody can submit a picture (actually the more the better) and I will post it once in a while (like once a week)
- Every member or administrator can guess
Remember, everybody can submit a picture, even if you feel like you can't create a nice smurfy isn't the quality or originality of the picture that wins but the one who guesses the most correct.
Any questions, just let me know