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Postby Rachel » Mon Mar 17, 2008 10:17 am
Excellent news, Thanks for the info Brad and Daryl. :-D

WOW, looking at that shop widnow display, they are taking the smurfs promotion seriously too. :hi5:
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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Postby KiwiSchlumpf » Mon Mar 17, 2008 1:29 pm
Hahaha.. I think Jay jays have already got a restraining order out on me... :(

Actually I have been emailing all my hot female friends giving them a "Fashion Intervention" saying they don't have nearly enough smurf clothing and that they have smurf night wear just their size. You can't blame a smurf for trying. :lol:

They have some smurf figurines too but they are all older current production types... I was hoping they would have the 2008 smurfs but nothing newer than the classic range.

When we had the work bash where I dressed as a smurf, I had to walk around town both in broad day light to an out door bowls place, then across town to a restraunt and finally after dark to my car in the seedy part of town, all in my smurf get up. Normally one would expect to be hassled, but I was either ignored or accepted as too weird. The evening girls probably thought I was a new breed of kinky that they just can't handle.

Postby melbsmurf » Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:55 pm
I agree with not enough men's shirts in the assortment but I guess these shirts are targeted to the youth, specifically teenage girls who are more likely to buy and wear the shirts.
Hi Brad, and everyone else!

Looonnnggg time lurker AND Smurf collector

Just wanted to let you know Brad, that you were spot on with your assumption about the marketing.

I was just on the telephone with the head stock person for JayJays, who confirmed that at the moment they are concentrating on the female angle, BUT if the two mens' designs sell well, then JayJays will definately add to the mens' line. This would include more mens' Smurf Tees (including a mens' 'GET SMURFED' Tee, AND at least one mens' hoodie!!! :-D

So Aussie and N.Z. fans, get out there and empty the shelves of the mens' line!!!!



Postby steveparkes » Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:07 am
Hi Rory, a big welcome to the forum..I am sure that all the Aussie & NZ smurfers will be glad to hear that..I wish we had a promotion in the UK...any promotion, selling anything smurfy would do..I mean, anything :banghead:
Long, long ago, deep in the forest, there was a hidden village where tiny creatures lived. They called themselves the Smurfs. They were good.


Postby melbsmurf » Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:22 am
Hi Rory, a big welcome to the forum..I am sure that all the Aussie & NZ smurfers will be glad to hear that..I wish we had a promotion in the UK...any promotion, selling anything smurfy would do..I mean, anything :banghead:
Hi steveparkes. Thanks for the welcome. I have been collecting since I was 6 (I still have my originals), and am now 35!!!

What's funny, is that I went into a JayJays store about 18 months ago and asked if they had plans to sell a Smurf line of Tees, and the shop assistant looked at me blankly, and said "I dunno". Well now look!!!! I nearly passed out when I saw the window display earlier today. I'm embarrassed enough to say that I jumped on the spot clapping!!!

I REALLY want them to sell a mens' version of the womens' hoodie and a tee with the 'original' Smurf on it. Fingers crossed!

Postby steveparkes » Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:25 am
I nearly passed out when I saw the window display earlier today. I'm embarrassed enough to say that I jumped on the spot clapping!!!
:) I am sure I would have done the same if it had been over here Rory
Long, long ago, deep in the forest, there was a hidden village where tiny creatures lived. They called themselves the Smurfs. They were good.


Postby melbsmurf » Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:34 am

:) I am sure I would have done the same if it had been over here Rory
Mind you, I did it in the 'manliest' way possible.

Postby bradley » Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:42 am
Hi Brad, and everyone else!

Looonnnggg time lurker AND Smurf collector

Just wanted to let you know Brad, that you were spot on with your assumption about the marketing.

I was just on the telephone with the head stock person for JayJays, who confirmed that at the moment they are concentrating on the female angle, BUT if the two mens' designs sell well, then JayJays will definately add to the mens' line. This would include more mens' Smurf Tees (including a mens' 'GET SMURFED' Tee, AND at least one mens' hoodie!!! :-D

So Aussie and N.Z. fans, get out there and empty the shelves of the mens' line!!!!


Great to hear from you! That would be great if they expand the mens line. I've got both the Brainy and Papa so hopefully these shirts do sell well for them to make more designs. A Grouchy or Hefty shirt would be cool and a mens hoodie.


Postby melbsmurf » Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:07 am
Great to hear from you! That would be great if they expand the mens line. I've got both the Brainy and Papa so hopefully these shirts do sell well for them to make more designs. A Grouchy or Hefty shirt would be cool and a mens hoodie.

I bought both as well, as much as Brainy bugs me (the little blue know-it-all), but the girl I spoke to promised me that if the mens' line takes off, then they will ABSOLUTELY sell a mens 'Get Smurfed' tee and a Winter hoodie!

She couldn't tell me which Smurfs would appear on them, though.

I am really hoping for a generic 'original' Smurf, though, and I hope the hoodie will have a zip at the front. I'm sort of tempted to buy the largest sized hoodie in the womens range, just in case....

She also confirmed that the 'Smurf specific' marketing campaign will end in another week, but the stock will still be for sale, just not the sole focus of the chains' marketing campaign, but it is definately being targeted at women.

I must say, though, that the pricing is fantastic, particularly with the figurines!!!



Postby Guest » Tue Mar 18, 2008 5:27 am
Hello Rory, welcome to the forum :D

:-D :beer:

Postby melbsmurf » Tue Mar 18, 2008 7:40 am
Hello Rory, welcome to the forum :D

:-D :beer:
Thanks, again, but I must say, I am a member of MANY different forums around the 'traps', and I love it here as there is 'zero' nastiness!

Such a breath of fresh air....

Postby Vinniej » Tue Mar 18, 2008 7:48 am
I want that they gonna sell that t-shirts in Holland, I'll buy for sure some of that cool shirts!!!!

Postby melbsmurf » Tue Mar 18, 2008 7:56 am
I want that they gonna sell that t-shirts in Holland, I'll buy for sure some of that cool shirts!!!!
I wish that JayJays sold o/s as the more mens' line they sell, the more likely they are to increase their (very limited) mens' line.

Postby bradley » Wed Mar 19, 2008 6:05 am
I must say, though, that the pricing is fantastic, particularly with the figurines!!!


yeah the pricing is excellent and also on the figures.. too bad I've got them all. They were around 5-6 dollars each at Kmart a few years back.. and even more at David Jones stores. I think David Jones still have smurfs last time I looked.


Postby KiwiSchlumpf » Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:20 pm
Here in NZ kmart hasn't updated their smurf range since the classic range. In fact the last time I saw any was nearly 18 months ago... they just dont keep them in stock (I'd better go check this weekend in case they are back promoting them again). Appart from Jay jays the only other place to have smurfs have the same production models up to the classic range for $9 each. Little wonder they dont sell.
I don't believe there has an importer for NZ since 1996 appart from these Australian chain stores.

Postby KiwiSchlumpf » Sat Apr 05, 2008 11:59 pm
Hi Guys

Quick note to our Aussie Smurfers... pop down to Jay jays and sweet talk the shop assistance in to giving you one of the promotional posters. I went in on the off chance they need to "dispose" of some of that old smurf promotional material... Yyyeeehhhaaahh.. I scored a huge big double sided poster (just under 7 foot tall by 4 foot wide by 1 millimeter thick).

They either A) took a shining to me although they never gave me their names or numbers or B) just did what they could to get rid of me..

Also I checked out Kmart for the first time in years and they don't stock smurfs anymore... Oh Boo Hoo...

Good luck sweet talking them.. I used the opening pick up line.. "Hello I'm Daryl. I collect smurfs, how do you like me so far?". It worked for me this time..

Postby bradley » Sun Apr 06, 2008 2:13 am
nice one Daryl! ha
The Jay Jays stores have taken down the main displays but I think they still had the posters stuck to the dressing room doors. I'd like a poster though. The wanted posters are great. Is that the ones you got?

nah, I don't think Kmart have any smurfs left. I think it was a one time thing. Way back when they were selling off the stock I managed to get a second set of the 3 small houses that were out on clearance plus they had 20% off all toys at the time. So I got bargains, think I paid about $6-7AU for each. So I kept those in the boxes as spares.


Postby KiwiSchlumpf » Sun Apr 06, 2008 5:00 am
Hi Brad
Yip I got the wanted poster.. its double sided (both sides being the same).
I may have to nip around all the Jay jay stores in town over the next few days.
Me and the store girl poured though the smurfs at the counter. I knew they didn't have any 2008 smurfs but I made out I was disappointed as we fondelled smurf after smurf, turning it over and looking at their dates. I kinda hoped she would warm to me and my childish charms, but that may have been just part of the sales pitch.. I guess she took pity on me relentlessly looking at each one and whimpering there at the counter.. she just wanted to shut me up and move me on... she tried selling me some smurf PJs and womens Tshirts for my collection, saying I could frame them. She obviously had sensed the sale and was going to take advantage of me in my weakened state. They have no shame these sales chicks. It was like a battle of the wills, her wanting to sell me womens wear and me whimpering on about the 2008 smurfs. I passed on the womens wear (this time) and bounced out the store with the wanted poster. Small children should take note of my technique when dealing with store girls who have something I want....... whimper and whine until you get something for free! I play the big kid well, I have had 37 years of practice to date.

Postby KiwiSchlumpf » Sat Apr 12, 2008 6:35 pm
Here is the poster.. it is rather large taking nearly all of the height on the wall.


Postby Smurfysmurf » Sat Apr 12, 2008 7:10 pm
Wow..it looks great, Daryl

Well worth the whimpering and whining, me thinks :winks:
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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