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Postby DrunkSmurf » Sun Oct 14, 2007 1:48 am
Hi from Beijing!

I have a periodically recurring dream in which I find a toy shop that has a ton of hard to find / unproduced smurfs (and playmobil sets--it's a true paradise dream).

Today, I dreamed of finding a moon rocket (packaged separately without astrosmurf and moon car), a smurf accessory set containing a platform for the smurf olympic winners to stand on when they get their medals, and a smurf diver wearing a (molded to figure) bag over his head. Maybe to add realism to the dream, my brain conjured up a bunch of smurfs I already had (like the ever-present smurf with flowers and gift).

I also found a bunch of new playmobil sets, which I can't remember precisely, but which involved bizarre combinations of the old knight sets with stronger King Arthur themes.

I actually am not fond of this dream, because I wake up "feeling disappointed". It even recurs to the extent that sometimes I return to the same store in the same (imaginary) shopping mall that contains the toy shop.

Often the imaginary shop is an outdoor gift shop like what you find at airports or trainstations. Once, it was a corridor gift shop en route to my room at a hotel on an (imaginary) business trip.

Does anyone have similar dreams? I'm guessing yes.

Postby Guest » Sun Oct 14, 2007 2:19 am
Of course Tim, i'd say we all do at some point ! :) :) :)

Dreaming of finding a Schlumpfburg, a Gloria smurf.......etc........ :cloud9:

Great thread :D

I hope China is being kind to you Tim :D

:-D :beer:

Postby DrunkSmurf » Sun Oct 14, 2007 2:27 am
I hope China is being kind to you Tim :D

:-D :beer:
It gave me diarrhea. I don't know what the hell happened. We ate at this stupid Japanese chain fastfood noodle shop in Shanghai ("Ajisen"--watch out!). I had the ice cream with frozen strawberries. I think it was the strawberries.

Or maybe it is punishment for me joking around too much with the wife about the 400 yuan ($60) offer at the hotel to get "most beautiful Shanghai girl" to give "sexy massage".

Postby Guest » Sun Oct 14, 2007 3:11 am
Oh dear, not nice, hope you are better soon :D

Now about that massage.............. 8-) 8-)

:-D :beer:

Postby smurfieduck » Sun Oct 14, 2007 7:21 am

Yes, most definitely! I dreamt, only last night, that I was at the Belgium smurf fair and I purchased lots of smurfs that I have been after for some time. I know too well that feeling of disappointment when one wakes up. :(

smurfieduck :-)

Carry on Smurfin' - and have a Smurfin' good day!!!!

Postby Smurf1303 » Sun Oct 14, 2007 11:18 am
Yes but my dreams have evolved... initally I'd find either a never seen before colour variant or occasionally a new mould all together but not have enough money...

...then I'd have the same dream, realise I didn't have enough money, feel gutted, then realise I was dreaming and that I wouldn't possess the smurfs when I woke up anyway (note this was all whilst I was asleep)...

... the latest version is very similar to above except now after I've realised I don't have the money but it's a dream I go get some money from a bank etc (becuase it's a dream so I won't be broke when I wake up so can do so so during dream get thrill of possession), I go back to the shop and it's now closed...

...it would seem my sunconscious really does want to reign in my smurf habit

Postby DrunkSmurf » Sun Oct 14, 2007 6:49 pm
Yes but my dreams have evolved... initally I'd find either a never seen before colour variant or occasionally a new mould all together but not have enough money...

...then I'd have the same dream, realise I didn't have enough money, feel gutted, then realise I was dreaming and that I wouldn't possess the smurfs when I woke up anyway (note this was all whilst I was asleep)...

... the latest version is very similar to above except now after I've realised I don't have the money but it's a dream I go get some money from a bank etc (becuase it's a dream so I won't be broke when I wake up so can do so so during dream get thrill of possession), I go back to the shop and it's now closed...

...it would seem my sunconscious really does want to reign in my smurf habit
Man, that's terrible! Did you ever watch the series, Red Dwarf? That's like an Arnold Rimmer dream. In mine, I always wake up when I get to the cash register. My best dream: there was a smurf warehouse store, like a giant Wal-Mart or Carrefour, that had everything plus make-believes.

Postby cal78 » Sun Oct 14, 2007 7:42 pm
In My Dream, I spot the smurf accross the room and start walking to it, see another collector walking to it, we both start running too it and just before we just get to it, we run into each other, both fall down and watch as some one else picks it up and buys it.

Postby Guest » Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:25 am

I think that would be my luck too Cal :D

:-D :beer:

Postby Syd Smurf » Tue Oct 16, 2007 7:53 pm
In My Dream, I spot the smurf accross the room and start walking to it, see another collector walking to it, we both start running too it and just before we just get to it, we run into each other, both fall down and watch as some one else picks it up and buys it.
:) :) :)

That is such a mean dream to have Cal....but kind of amusing too :D


Postby eggie smurf » Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:26 pm
I don't think I'm allowed to post my dreams here as it's not the adults section :oops: :shhh:
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby Syd Smurf » Wed Oct 17, 2007 12:23 am
Not dreaming about piggies again are we Stace? :o


Postby smurfieduck » Wed Oct 17, 2007 4:00 am
I don't think I'm allowed to post my dreams here as it's not the adults section
:) :-D :)
smurfieduck :-)

Carry on Smurfin' - and have a Smurfin' good day!!!!

Postby Rachel » Wed Oct 17, 2007 12:14 pm
Interesting hearing your dreams guys. :-D

I used to have a recurring dream about finding a box full of Welsh rugby smurfs in our local indoor market or another shop of some kind. :cloud9:

I do remember having a very vivid dream a while back about finding the beautiful CNT snake charmer smurf. I am hoping it was a preminition as I really do love this smurf. :fingersx:

My most recent smurfy dreams are normally me wandering around some kind of antique / bric-a-bac shop, finding some really rare variations in an antique glass cabinet but I cannot find anyone to come and unlock the cabinet for me to grab them.......... :scratchinghead: :lol:
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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Postby DrunkSmurf » Wed Oct 17, 2007 11:30 pm
but I cannot find anyone to come and unlock the cabinet for me to grab them.......... :scratchinghead: :lol:
This is the dream of the outsider, looking in, but unable to breach the wall of mores separating him/her from the society at large.

In My Dream, I spot the smurf accross the room and start walking to it, see another collector walking to it, we both start running too it and just before we just get to it, we run into each other, both fall down and watch as some one else picks it up and buys it.
This is the dream of the self-critic, who not only doubts himself, but brings equal uncertainty unto his friends, and finally yearns to cede responsibility to one more aggressive, more certain.

Postby Cassiebsg » Thu Oct 18, 2007 10:20 am
Ah, another playmobil lover. :-D

I remember I had a smurfy dream some time ago, right about the time I was waiting for my 1st pack from auction to arrive. Unfortunatly, like 99% of my dreams, I can't remember it anymore. :(
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Postby Rachel » Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:00 pm
Rachel wrote:
but I cannot find anyone to come and unlock the cabinet for me to grab them..........

This is the dream of the outsider, looking in, but unable to breach the wall of mores separating him/her from the society at large.

Nah, I just wanted the smurfs! :nahnah:

Actually I do have quite a good dream book here, I shall have to check it out. :D
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
[Blue Imps Smurf Collection] [Bass Clef Strings] [Your Page]

Postby Pitufo » Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:03 pm
I do remember having a very vivid dream a while back about finding the beautiful CNT snake charmer smurf. I am hoping it was a preminition as I really do love this smurf.
Hi, Rachel!!!!I dreamt with that smurf one of my nights in Belgium...A preminition too???? :) :) :) :)

Postby Guest » Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:06 pm
Rachel, Joaquin..............

How many snake charmer smurfs are there ? Any idea ? I know its mega-rare ? :-?

:-D :beer:

Postby Rachel » Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:15 pm
Hi Gray, I don't really know. I think I have probably seen about 4 or 5 ever, all on Ebay. :D

I think Attom had the best buy as it was in a lot that he only paid a few quid for. I saw the auction too but didn't realise at the time what was in there.

One day........ :cloud9:
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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