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Postby Keko » Sat May 19, 2007 2:51 pm
Yes, Joaquin is right, Í´m a very busy boy, I work a lot, I started one year ago to work´in a law office for free, I´m a joung lawyer and I must to lear a lot before to earn money, and I´m the Secretary of the Coeliac Federation of Spain, I´m a coaliac too, I don´t know if you know this problem, I can not eat wheat, flour, pasta, bread...
Ok I can eat it but special and very expensive, today I had a meeting in my town about it and a interview in a national radio, next week maybe I will travel on the weekend for other meeting to Madrid(I hope find Smurfs in a Market there), and next month I will travel to Rome for other meeting( do you know markets to buy Smurfs there?).
When I knew Joaquin in the Madrid airport was beacuse I return to Logroño (my city) from other meeting, so, one reason why I´m here maybe is beacuse I´m coeliac, :) :)
So, always I do a lot of things, it and my bad english are the reason that I couldn´t unswer you fast your warm messages.

Really thank you for your welcome words. I wanted to say you thank you, but fortunately you are a lot,. I can feel that you love smurfs and more important (it´s difficult find things more important than smurf) very friendly people, you have a very nice forum.

About my present to Joaquin, really I liked this figure, but when I showed it to Joaquin in a photo I could feel that he liked it a lot, but a lot, every night when we speak he talk some thing about her, so I think, never I presented a smurf that I don´t have twice, but this is a different case, beacuse really, I feel Joaquin like a friend, so I want that this smurf will be in the Joaquin´s collection, so I presented him her. I know he is very happy, but me more, beacuse I love present things.

You can see that I don´t write so often, but when I write, I write a lot,,,, :)

So one more time I want to tell you THANK YOU FOR YOUR WELLCOME MESSAGES...........................see you soon...........


Postby Guest » Sat May 19, 2007 3:29 pm
Hola Jon :wave2:

It is great to see you here, you're english is very good :D It is great you have built up a friendship with Joaquin and you both have a great passion for smurfs ! We look forward to seeing plenty of you ! Talk as much as you want to, Joaquin does ! 8-) 8-)

Hasta luego !

:-D :beer:

Postby Rachel » Sun May 20, 2007 2:53 am
About my present to Joaquin, really I liked this figure, but when I showed it to Joaquin in a photo I could feel that he liked it a lot, but a lot, every night when we speak he talk some thing about her, so I think, never I presented a smurf that I don´t have twice, but this is a different case, beacuse really, I feel Joaquin like a friend, so I want that this smurf will be in the Joaquin´s collection, so I presented him her. I know he is very happy, but me more, beacuse I love present things.
Hi Jon, I think that is such a lovely story and I am sure you and Joaquin are going to be very good friends for a long time. :cheers:

I was in Italy a few years ago and although I didn't find many smurfs, there were one or two shopes with the current range. I didn't go to Rome so maybe you will have more luck there. :fingersx:
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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Postby Michelle » Mon May 21, 2007 3:08 am
Hi Jon,

You almost me me cry from happiness. Now I can see Joaquin has found another REAL friend, just like he is to others.

GREAT YOU4VE FOUND EACHOTHER....now you even can talk in Spanish about smurfs.

By the way, Now I understand your avator :D

Big hug
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