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Postby JT » Sun Nov 21, 2004 1:04 pm
I saw some posts about Smurfs comics earlier. I thought you might like to see what those are like in Finland. No? Well I post them anyway :)
Here are my Smurf comics. First in Finnish, then original name

Musta Muffet Sotapolulla - Les Schtoumpfs Noirs
Kuningas Smurffi - Le Schtroumpfissime
Taikamuna - Lóeuf Et Les Schtroumpfs
Kronkelikraks - Les Schtroumpfs Et Le Cracoucass
Smurffisoppaa - La Soupe Aux Schtoumpfs
Smurffi Olympialaiset - Les Schtroumpfs Olympiques

Funny thing is that first Smurfs were called "Muffet". Then later they were called "Strumffit" and finally "Smurffit".

Postby JT » Sun Nov 21, 2004 1:08 pm
I also have few Johan & Pewit comics.

Johan and Pewit are called "Johannes ja Pirkale" in Finnish.

Sysivuoren Kirot -Le Sortilege De Maltrouchu
Seitsemän Lähteen Sota - La Guerre Des 7 Fontaines
Musta Nuoli - La Flèche Noir
Korpin Lauma - La Horde Du Corbeau
Rotkovuoren Trubaduurit - Les Troubadours De Roc-à-Pic

Postby Tor » Sun Nov 21, 2004 1:24 pm
No - tosi hieno kokoelma smurffilehtiä... Minulla on vaan ruotsinkielisiä lehtiä. Helpompi lukea niitä ruotsiksi.

Postby JT » Sun Nov 21, 2004 1:33 pm
No - tosi hieno kokoelma smurffilehtiä... Minulla on vaan ruotsinkielisiä lehtiä. Helpompi lukea niitä ruotsiksi.
:yikes: You speak Finnish!!!!
Great :) :) :) :)

Tor, mikä olikaan Smurffi ruotsiksi?
Jag vet, dom heter Smurfarna! :)

Postby Fram » Sun Nov 21, 2004 1:47 pm
Kalevala! :)

I especially like the first ones (Muffe), because they have different covers than the original (French) versions. Not necessarily better, but different :cool: I'm for the moment not collecting the comics in all languages (although I have French, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian comics), but those are tempting. Almost as tempting as the Smurfs marvel comics with the Spiderman logo :duel:
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby Tor » Sun Nov 21, 2004 2:25 pm
Actually I don't speak Finnish.
My Finnish girl friend wrote the last post for me, so I don't know what I wrote. Hope it's not an insult. Haha! :)

I have eleven smurf comics - they are all in Swedish. :D

Postby JT » Sun Nov 21, 2004 3:48 pm
Hi Fram,
those Muffe comics are quite old. First one is printed in 1972. I believe there was three albums altogether. I have numbers 1 and 3, and tomorrow I might get number 2, if everything goes as planned :)
Muffe comics have quite different cover design than originals. Maybe it was tradition here in Finland those days.
I don´t have first Johan and Pewit album, but the second one is printed in 1977. And back then Smurfs were "Strumffit".
I like reading Smurf comics, because stories and characters are good. And because you can easily spot many smurf poses that has been used on PVC figures.
Tor, don´t worry it wasn´t insult, it was almost polite :-D


Postby Rachel » Sun Nov 21, 2004 3:55 pm
Hi JT, Thanks for posting the pictures of the Finnish comics. It is fascinating to see all the different versions of basically the same thing from around the world. Especially when there are different cover pictures as well. :D
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Nov 21, 2004 9:15 pm
I saw some posts about Smurfs comics earlier. I thought you might like to see what those are like in Finland. No? Well I post them anyway :)

Of course we are interested as those covers are so cool and I loved haveing a look at them all. I only have "The Smurf KIng" in English but seeing these makes me want to read the others as well. Who knows...maybe one day I will want one from every language...believe it, it's not beyond me.

It was interesting to hear about the different name changes to as I wasn't aware of that. It wasn't until I joined these forums that I realised that they weren't just called "smurfs" everywhere.

Which one is your favourite or favourites?

Thanks for the pics and please post anything anytime as we are all interested to hear what out friends in Finland are up to.

Cheers :cheers:


Postby Jocelyn » Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:33 am
Yes it's a very good idea to post smurf comics in different language :shock:
Postby JT » Mon Nov 22, 2004 7:14 am
I must admit all those Smurf comics are great :D
If I must pick one, it must be the one with magical egg (Lóeuf Et Les Schtroumpfs). I read it to my 3,5 year old son and he enjoys it a lot. There are many jokes that make us both laugh :) :) :) :)
But to be honest they´re all good reading and I recommend them to all.

I´m not sure if all Smurf comics are translated in Finnish. Story about Astro smurf for example. I haven´t seen it ever. Does original comics have more than one story in one album? In Finnish versions there is usually two long stories and few one page strips. For example Flying smurf (?) and Weather machine (I´m not sure what they´re called in english) don´t have own album here.


Postby Fram » Mon Nov 22, 2004 8:21 am
They normally have two or three long stories, or else they have 44 one page gags. I don't think they have mixed long stories and gags (at least not in the first 13 or so albums). I don't have my comics here, I may check it when I'm home tonight.
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby Fram » Thu Nov 25, 2004 2:42 pm
I've checked it to celebrate my 300th post (will I get a golden Smurf now? I sure hope so!). The first 7 comics all had two or three stories, the 8th one had 52 gags, and the 9th and 10th one were the first to mix one long story with 14 gags of one page. All the next ones (up until the 19th certainly) only had long and short stories. From 1995 on there were in a parallel series at least three books with 44 gags (44 pages being the normal format of juvenile comics in French and Dutch nowadays: until the late sixties, often longer albums were made).

A survey:
first there were the Johan and Peewit stories, from 1954 on (yes, the first Johan and Peewit album is 50 years old!).
The first Johan and Peewit story with the Smurfs was: "Johan et Pirlouit: la flûte a six schtroumpfs" (1960), or "Johan en Pirrewiet: de fluit met zes smurfen" (= The Magic Flute).
The smurfs on their own first appeared in six mini-comics that were embedded in the Spirou-magazine:
* Les schtroumpfs noirs / de zwarte smurfen (the black smurfs) 1959
* Le voleur de schtroumpfs / De smurfendief (1959) (Thief of Smurfs)
* L'oeuf et les schtroumpfs / Het ei en de smurfen (1960) (The egg and the smurfs)
* Le faux smurf / De valse smurf (1961) (The fake smurf)
* La faim des schtroumpfs / Honger bij de smurfen (1961) (Hunger at the smurfs)
* Le centième schtroumpf / De honderdste smur (1962) (The 100th smurf)

All these stories were redrawn later and appeared then in the regular comics series.

1. Les schtroumpfs noirs / De zwarte smurfen (1963) (+ Le schtroumpf volant / De vliegende smurf (The flying smurf) + Le voleur de schtroumpfs)
2. Le schtroumpfissime / De smurfuhrer (1965) (King Smurf) (+ schtroumphonie en ut / Smurfonie in ut (Smurphony in ut?))
3. La schtroumpfette / De smurfin (1967) (The Smurfette) (+ La faim des schtroumpfs)
4. L'oeuf et les schtroumpfs (1968) (+ le faux schtroumpf + le centième schtroumpf)
5. Les schtroumpfs et le cracoucas / De smurfen en de Krwakakrwa (1969) (The smurfs and the Howlibird?) (+ Un schtroumpf pas comme les autres / Een andere smurf dan de anderen (Another smurf than the others?))
6. Le cosmoschtroumpf / De ruimtesmurf (1970) (Astrosmurf) (+ Le schtroumpf de pluie / De regensmurf (The rain smurf))
7. L'apprenti schtroumpf / De leerlingsmurf (1971) (Apprentice Smurf) (+ pièges a schtroumpfs / Smurfevallen (Smurftraps) + Roméos et Schtroumpfette / Smurfen in vuur en vlam (Romeos and Smurfette))
8. Histoires de schtroumpfs / Dat moet je smurfen! (1972) (Smurf stories)
9. Schtroumpf vert et vert schtroumpf / Smurfe koppen en koppige smurfen (1973) (Riding Smurf and Smurfing Hood?) (+ jeux olympschtroumpfs / Olympsmurfse spelen (Olympsmurfic games))
10. La soupe aux schtroumpfs / Smurfensoep (1976) (Smurf soup) (+ Smurferies / Smurfenissen (Smurfies))

That are all the official normal smurf comics as albums before 1980. There were other books and editions, but this will be sufficient for most people here I think. The English titles are translations, only in some cases are they the real titles. If someone can offer them here, it might be useful.
:sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby Rachel » Thu Nov 25, 2004 2:46 pm
Great info and CONGRATULATIONS on your first gold smurf.

Nice one Fram. :champ:
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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Postby JT » Thu Nov 25, 2004 11:16 pm
Thank you Fram and congratulations on first golden smurf :-D
There are so many smurfs comics around? I´m afraid I have to keep searching if some of those are translated in Finnish. I´m still missing so many...

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