Although it is still all in my dreams, I do intend to have a smurf room at some point (hopefully) soon!
I have been picking up bits and pieces ready and managed to win a cool door sign on Ebay last night.
That's a pretty cool item you picked up. I would like something to put on the door of my smurf room.....even a lock would be good to keep little 2 year olds out. I will have to keep an eye out for something like this.
PS - Since you are a friend Rachel and desire a smurf room so bad I will be willing to share my smurf room with you. Just send all your smurfs to me and I will set them up in your very own smurf room. No need to thank me as that's what friends are for. Your new smurf item would look great on the door of your new smurf room too.
Thanks for such a kind offer Dyar, you are sooooo thoughtful
If I still haven't got my smurf room by the next millenium I could well take you up on the offer.
I got it at a good price as well, only £2.60 (under $5). I will let you know when it arrives.
If somebody sees a cheap time machine on Ebay can these please let me know as I want to get to the next millennium quicker to increase my smurf collection.
PS - Rachel don't panic too much about me getting a time machine as to you it will still feel like you've had the smurfs for a further 96 years. Please take good care of them for me.