Collected smurfs as a kid and kept most, but they were my most played with toys and so they are now the most worn of my collection. Don't know if I'll ever actually replace these ones though cause they represent so many happy memories.
Got back into smurfs about 10 years ago when I first moved out of home and was searching through all my belongings. I went to several toy fairs at this time to try and update my collection and was fortunate to buy my Jokey with gargamel head in box at standard new smurf cost, about £3.50. Phew! I'm now pleased for that stroke of luck

Have just this year, after moving again, re-unearthed my collection and thought I would add those that I was missing. Thought i would search on e-bay and 'cor blimey' there are a few more smurfs around then I had realised. Was so excited to find that they had continued to bring out more new smurfs each year.
Would personally love to get as many of the different footballers as possible - although these seem to all fetch quite high prices

Have looked at this forum quite a bit over last few months and would just like to say how helpful your comments are and also a huge thanks to those of you that have websites of your collections

It is Friday night so I'll catch ya all later.