Hi all, it looks like we have reached the limit for adding photos and pictures as attachments. We are going to try and clear some of the older pics to release a bit of space. Many of the great pictures that have been posted are already in the gallery and the idea is to not remove important pictures that might disrupt the context of a post. Unfortunately, this could take a little while so if you do have problems posting a picture or photo, apologies in advance.
If anyone does come across an old picture or photo that they have posted and feel that it is no longer neccesary, either because it has already been added to the galleries or that it is no longer relevant, please feel free to zap it by editing you post and deleting the attachment.
Also, if you have a tendancy (like me) to keep attachments in old PMs, please could you consider removing them if you feel they are no longer need.
Thank You.