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Postby benhur » Sun Nov 07, 2004 10:32 am
hi i am from singapore
and i am interested in getting those smurf soft toys for my friends..

not those kind of display kinds, but those normal smurf soft toys that are new and real...

can anyone help me?


Postby IndigoSmurf » Sun Nov 07, 2004 10:40 am
Hello! I'm sure someone here can help you. But do you have a picture so I understand more clearly what you are looking for?


Postby benhur » Sun Nov 07, 2004 11:11 am
eh actually what i am looking for is just one nice standard size smurf soft toy...

not those display collectibles that is going ard now

pics wise i dun have though..

hope this answers your question christine

Postby naish510 » Sun Nov 07, 2004 11:24 am
do you mean pluches smurfs?

Postby benhur » Sun Nov 07, 2004 12:44 pm
do you mean pluches smurfs?
eh i am not sure le
haha cause i am not familiar with the jargons u all use, but eh like those winnie the pooh kinda soft toys that kind, cause i believe it is a bit difficult looking for those kinda smurf soft toys in singapore

Postby Rachel » Sun Nov 07, 2004 1:01 pm
Hi Benhur, welcome to the board. :welcome:

Here are some auctions for plush smurfs on Ebay, I don't know of any online smurf shops that stock them at the moment but I think Karen is planning to stock them in Kitty's cavern soon.

http://search.ebay.com/smurf-plush_W0QQ ... f*Q20plush
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
[Blue Imps Smurf Collection] [Bass Clef Strings] [Your Page]

Postby benhur » Sun Nov 07, 2004 2:09 pm
hihi thanks rachel for the link
i will explore more in detail

but i guess the problem is that most of the stuff being sold is used, i was hoping to get a new one, dun really need to be some vintage stuff or wat

as long as nice and new can already...

Postby mauve » Sun Nov 07, 2004 6:44 pm
hi benhur,

i'm also from Singapore leh.. as u know, we're showing Smurfs reruns on TV every Sunday 9am on Arts Central. :cheers:

Abt plush smurfs that u're looking for, there're some selling at Orchard Cineleisure (2nd floor) :D u may want to take a look at them. however, i must say that they're quite different from the original ones sold during the 1980s (maybe different manufacturers? i don't know...) :???:

in fact, i'm also looking for places (in S'pore) where they sell Smurfs merchandise (plushes, pvcs, comics, books, posters, play sets, games) 8) if not, i may source from eBay.

i'm not yet a serious collector, $ being my main problem :banghead:

Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Nov 07, 2004 8:04 pm
Hi mauve & benhur

Welcome to the board. It's nice to have some people joining us from Singapore and letting us know what the scene is like from down there. We hope to have people from many parts of the world and you 2 are unique as the only people talking to us from there. Please feel free to talk lots to all of us anytime.


Postby mauve » Sun Nov 07, 2004 8:45 pm
Hi Syd Smurf (Dyar), SMURFYSTEVE1 and all,

Thanks :).. it's heartening to know that smurf friends traverse (if tt's the right word to use) the whole universe. i didn't join this forum initially 'cos i thought i can't contribute much with my limited smurfy knowledge.

i've always loved smurfs since 20 yrs ago when i first got to know them. sadly, as with almost any cartoon character (e.g. care bears, pink panthers), the popularity of the smurfs in S'pore dipped :( only recently, i got to know we're back on TV (reruns). i hope that'll rekindle a mini but lasting revival here in my country (u know kids when they pester their parents on anything smurfs - then those consumer companies will pounce on such opportunity to sell any smurfings).

back to my story, i only have a few smurf things (plushes, pvc from BP?, crampled posters, etc), which i will not sell/trade for anything even if they're worthless. :-D that's how much i cherish my smurfs.

oh ya, my favourite (soft toy/plush) smurf's birthday is coming (i bought it in 1981). his colour has faded though and so does the "furs". u may not recognise it as a smurf :lol:

la la la la la la

Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Nov 07, 2004 8:59 pm
Hi mauve

It doesn't matter if you know a lot about smurfs or only a little to be a part of this board as the only thing you need is a love for them which it appears you have. I knew very little when I joined this board but I have learnt so much and made many great friends with the people here who have taught me so many things and have made me laugh on a daily basis.

I think it's great to hear what's happening in Singapore regarding the smurf scene and I look forward getting to know you and benhur over time and sharing your thoughts.

We all hope for a revival in the smurf worlds...except for when we are bidding on Ebay..lol.

Take care and it's nice to meet you guys


Postby Guest » Mon Nov 08, 2004 3:30 am
Hi, yes welcome both of you to this board! :welcome:

We are all having similar problems that we can't find smurf items locally, they are no longer pop culture, most of the smurfy items seem to be found in Belgium, Germany and Austria, correct me if I am wrong anyone!

I am in talks at the moment about trying to get other smurfy items into the shop so will let you know what happens there! If you are looking for plush (soft toy) smurfs then the trudi smurfs are really nice, I have picked up some nice ones in mint condition on ebay recently. So don't give up!

Whatever your knowledge of smurfs anyone who is reading this, please feel free to join in. We all have different interests in the smurfs anyway, some are more interested in the comics, some in the pvcs and some in the plush, etc. Personally I really love the plush smurfs and I am spending more on those at the moment than the pvcs! :-D

Postby benhur » Mon Nov 08, 2004 2:41 pm
yubbers thanks thanks for the support
smurf is not the 'in' thing now in singapore but i still can remember that it was one of my childhood favourites, really a classic, haha
but i think a bit digressing from the thread liao..

just hope i can find my search soon ba

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