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Postby debrah » Mon Jul 12, 2004 11:22 am
I have a battery operated toothbrush Smurf, new in the box. He has 2 brushes: a blue and a yellow. I can't seem to find much information on this guy.
On the back of the box it has instructions on how to insert the brush into the smurf as well as the batteries. Then there is the address to send for additional brushes for "2.50 in coin or money order for each additional set of two brushes".
"Helm Toy Corp.", the address. And then in the bottom left corner, "No. 680".
It still has the original tape and the plastic covering is completely intact.
Does anyone know when this was manufactured and what the value is on it?

Postby Guest » Tue Jul 13, 2004 9:48 am
Hi Debrah

Sorry I can't find any info on this. Does anyone else know any more? I can only assume that as battery powered toothbrushes haven't been around that long there won't be a huge value on it. Probably worth hanging onto though! Who knows, in years to come we may not use toothbrushes any more, we may go to a tooth bath or something, :-D

Postby attombomb7 » Tue Jul 13, 2004 6:56 pm

I don't know much either! but I have the smurf toothbrush too and a smurfette one..

I know that there is a baby one too! which I saw on EBAY a while ago..

they seem to go for around $10-15 usa...so far!! not really that many bids on them..

there are a couple on EBAY now..

there is also a different toothbrush type.smurf..its more of a white plastic box that holds the toothbrushes..and a medium sized smurf design on the front panel..

I think if you check Saussard.de website you will see themthere in his collection too!

Attom :D :D
Postby debrah » Wed Jul 14, 2004 11:09 am
Thank you for your replies.

attombomb7, you stated, "there are a couple on EBAY now.. ". I can't find any listed like the one that I have. Could you point me in the right direction? Thanks.

Is there anywhere I could find out when it was manufactured? A listing of some sort maybe by the toy company or someone's private listing of dates.

I did find a picture of one out of the box at http://bluebuddies.com/Smurfs_Bathroom_Items.htm

Thanks again for your time,

Postby Guest » Wed Jul 14, 2004 11:58 am
Have you tried posting on Blue Buddies bulletin board? They probably know as the pic is posted on their site. If someone digs up any more info here in the meantime then obviously we will post here as well.


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