Dunno what I think about the theory that size matters.
(Do what you will with that one Dyar!) I'm thinking someone who collects belly button fluff might be a tad more insane than someone who collects antique cars!
I think that collectors of anitique cars are less insane than people who collect belly button fluff...and for good reason too.
For example....how many smurfs could you buy with a collection of antique cars?
I would say that you could buy a fair few really nice ones
Now...how many smurfs (not including the Doofus Clown) could you buy with a factory full of belly button fluff?....I know taking out the Doofus Clown may not be considered fair but the answer would be zilch.
Therefore it's quite simple that collectors of antique cars are less insane than collectors of belly button fluff.
As for size...well yes size does matter when talking about smurf packages. The bigger ones may not necessarily be better.....but bigger great packages will always be better than smaller great packages in my opinion.
Dyar: Have you started on those extensions yet?? Isn't bub taking over the smurf room???

....this was actually brought up in conversation only yesterday (by Mrs Dyar of course).....she thinks we need to win lotto so we can buy a 5 bedroom house so the kids can have a room each......apparently the pantry is not a good room for the baby despite the great point I made about babies being only small.
I haven't lost the smurf room yet

....then again I can't confirm any long term smurf room planning at this stage.
PS - If things don't work out then I may be looking for a spare room to live guys......I have smurfs