My family just think its funny and expect it from me because I have always just been a big kid at heart. They roll their eyes a little but at least it makes it easy for them to think of something to get me for my birthday etc.
My mum is always on the lookout for smurf stuff and tells me when she sees something smurfy. She found a boxer smurf in the bottom of our old toy chest the other day and handed it on
The work collegues think I'm nuts but I'm pretty sure they thought I was before that anyway. The kids though think its great and we often spend half a lesson just talking about smurfs! They like to know how many I've got now and where I keep them all and which one is the most expensive. Some kids even come in with smurfs they've dug out of their parents old toys and ask me to tell them how much they're worth. I think they're trying to rip me off!
Trish made me some smurfy earrings and I wore them to work the other day. The teachers all rolled their eyes but the kids thought it was the coolest thing out and some even asked me to get them a pair!
I think if you can admit you're partly insane then you probably aren't!