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Postby hfos » Sun May 07, 2006 1:19 pm
So, I went & got some new stuff today, including my first ever farmhouse! How about that!




Postby Guest » Sun May 07, 2006 2:07 pm
That is some nice stuff you got Robin ! :D

:-D :beer:

Postby Rachel » Sun May 07, 2006 2:16 pm
Nice items Robin :-D

The farmhouse is a very nice item to own and those sockels and bits and pieces make it a great haul to add to your collection. :D
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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Postby Syd Smurf » Sun May 07, 2006 7:23 pm
That Farm House is really very nice.....you must be happy with that Robin....and those sockels/pedestal would be also very nice to have.....some nice buys there.


Postby XoioX2000 » Mon May 08, 2006 4:53 am
Nice one!! the Farmhouse is always a delight when you have it in your hands... It's a great item!!

Nice sockels too: The hunter can be quite HTF and that indian smurfette surely is!


:dragon: I like the smell of Napalm, first thing in the morning...:dragon:
Check out The Dragon's Cave

Postby hfos » Mon May 08, 2006 6:12 am
That farm is a great thing, now all I need is Gargamel's castle and I'll be happy. Well, that and a couple of nice promos, and exclusive christmas prototypes. And a couple of original molds.

:) :)
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