Hi Guys, yes people's first reaction is to laugh. My work collegues did untill i took some in one day. Now every time i get a parcel they cannot wait to see whats inside. Simon's work collegue thought he was realy childish, he went to Geneva and Si told him to look out for smurfs. I wont type his reply. We got a phone call from him that weekend Shrieking down his mobile " Ive found smurf's, a shop full of them, i'm so happy for you !" . We nearly peed ourselves in laughing hysterically at him. He even bought some for his daughter. Simon sent some kinder footballers for his young son which his daughter stole instantly.
The truth is, they all laugh, but as soon as they come into contact with them , they fall in love with them, just as we have all done. My father collects them, and now my god daughter does, and always when at Aunty Lucies plays with our smurfs

Lucie,Polly and Pudsley