I was thinking since there seems to be much interest in Smurfagrams with many posts on these in the last days & weeks, that it would be great that if we could gather at the same place individual pictures of all the smurfagrams we all have. It would be great to see them all at one place with distinctive writings on them like a catalog of some sort and very usefull for every collector to refer to look at them, see the variations of the same sockels, etc.....
I wonder Karen if it's possible to do it on this site in the Gallery section? Since this site is the reference (at leats for me!), it would be the best place to do it!. We could agree that all photos would use the same format (jpg for example)and would be the same size (200 pixels high for example) so there would be uniformity with all the photos... We could sort them by language, or figures, or color base....
It would be really great if we could see all the possible Smurfagrams all at the same place! What do you think about all this?.....
Smurfy regards!