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Postby Evensar » Wed Mar 15, 2006 1:38 pm
Hello everyone!

Finally I got my Bible. My smurf bible that is :) So, is there anything else i need as a new smurf collector?


Postby Fram » Wed Mar 15, 2006 1:45 pm
Umm, and money :(

Apart from that: not much, the experience comes with the collecting, but that goes pretty quick.
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby Evensar » Wed Mar 15, 2006 1:49 pm
Umm, and money :(

Apart from that: not much, the experience comes with the collecting, but that goes pretty quick.
Hmm money, I've heard of that. Where can i buy it? Or is it something that grows from trees or bushes? :)

Allways the money thats the problem. *Sigh*

Postby Guest » Wed Mar 15, 2006 2:00 pm
A shortage of money always gets in the way of smurf collecting ! :banghead:

:-D :beer:

Postby Rachel » Wed Mar 15, 2006 3:03 pm
So, is there anything else i need as a new smurf collector?
An understanding partner / family. :cheers:

I am sure you are going to have great fun reading your new bible. :tea:
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
[Blue Imps Smurf Collection] [Bass Clef Strings] [Your Page]

Postby steveparkes » Wed Mar 15, 2006 3:07 pm
I love my catalogue..I'd be lost without it :)
Long, long ago, deep in the forest, there was a hidden village where tiny creatures lived. They called themselves the Smurfs. They were good.


Postby Evensar » Wed Mar 15, 2006 3:08 pm
So, is there anything else i need as a new smurf collector?
An understanding partner / family. :cheers:
Actually my girlfriend is really understanding, she thinks its really nice that I have found a hobby, she wish she could find a hobby to. She seems likes smurfs so maybe I should ask her if she would join me :)

Postby steveparkes » Wed Mar 15, 2006 3:13 pm
Sounds like a good way of doubling your collection :) :D
Long, long ago, deep in the forest, there was a hidden village where tiny creatures lived. They called themselves the Smurfs. They were good.


Postby SA Smurfette » Wed Mar 15, 2006 6:55 pm

Hmm money, I've heard of that. Where can i buy it? Or is it something that grows from trees or bushes? :)

Glad your girlfriend likes smurfs :-D

Like Steve said, you can double your collection that way :D
:winks: Raelene :yes:

Check out my smurfy site

Postby Syd Smurf » Wed Mar 15, 2006 8:24 pm
Yay Evensar...glad to hear you have the Bible.

I get stopped on the street quite frequently and asked do I read the Bible....and I do reply "yes"....although I get really strange looks when I say that there were a few errors in the Bible and also too many fake smurfs.....I guess they just don't read it properly or just have too much faith in what's written.

St Dyar

Postby DrunkSmurf » Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:24 pm
Yay Evensar...glad to hear you have the Bible.

I get stopped on the street quite frequently and asked do I read the Bible....and I do reply "yes"....although I get really strange looks when I say that there were a few errors in the Bible and also too many fake smurfs.....I guess they just don't read it properly or just have too much faith in what's written.

St Dyar
You're not one of those bleeding "intelligent design" fanatics, are you?

I think it's pretty much proven that smurfs arose by "accident"--you know, the deal with Peyo's cousin asking for salt and mis-pronouncing it "smurf" and so on...

Postby Syd Smurf » Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:35 pm
Nah...I'm more of a "dopey demented" fruitcake......although I am trying to get better Tim.

I did think about reading the story in the bible once but someone told me the guy dies in the end which kind of ruined it for me so I haven't bothered....don't you hate when people do that to you.

Postby DrunkSmurf » Wed Mar 15, 2006 9:43 pm
I did think about reading the story in the bible once but someone told me the guy dies in the end which kind of ruined it for me so I haven't bothered....don't you hate when people do that to you.
It's hard to accept that Peyo is gone.

I keep believing he'll come back and restore the Golden 100.

I think IMPS has put new meaning into the expression, "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's." Apparently the five letters S-M-U-R-F belong to Caesar...

Postby Evensar » Thu Mar 16, 2006 2:09 am
Interesting storys, didn't understand that much but anyhow :)

Postby Guest » Thu Mar 16, 2006 3:30 am
I get stopped on the street quite frequently and asked do I read the Bible....and I do reply "yes"....although I get really strange looks when I say that there were a few errors in the Bible and also too many fake smurfs.....
LMAO you made me curl up laughing with that one, Andrew. :sofunny: :laughing:

Postby aussiesmurf » Thu Mar 16, 2006 4:12 am
Oh I love the 'bible' it sits beside my computer so when i'm ebay i can refer to it....the best buy i made, besides baseball smurfette, gas station playset...etc, etc.... :-D

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