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Postby Gerda » Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:25 pm
I hope someone here can give me some advice or help as I am stumped as to what to do.

At the end of January a buyer from Spain won a smurf acution from me, they promptley wrote me saying they would send me cash (note my auctions all state I only accept pay pal from international bidders) I told him though it was fine, but at his own risk! So after some time waiting I sent out another invoice reminder asking if the money was sent, I got a reply saying yes cash was sent. Now I am sending another reply and they come up saying that they sent a money transfer into my post office and gave me a number that I should take into my P.O. and I get my money. I did this thinking there is something out there taht I don't know about. The post master at my post office told me that there is no way they can have money wired to them and that they do have a program where they can send money to banks in like mexico and a few other countries (spain not being one of them) So I told this to the person and they responded by saying they went to there post office and gave my name and partial address (city, state and country) and this place told them that it was wired there instantly. And again he gave me the number as before along with another number.
I know I will get the same answer as before from my post office when I go in tomorrow to do some mailings.
SO my question is.. Am I being scammed, or was the person who sent the money scammed? Or by off chance is there some program out there that even my head post master does not know about? I find it hard to beleive that a person can wire money to someone without haveing to disclose the full address, especially a zip code if it is to go to a post office. I don't think there is, but what if there where more than one Ripon WI out there?
ANY HELP :-? :-?

happily smurfing along

Postby Gerda » Wed Mar 08, 2006 7:18 pm
I just figured it out..... after a bit of detective work on my part... :sherlock: :idea: they sent the money via western union. Now mind you they NEVER told me that is how it was sent, nor in any of my auctions do I say I take this as form of payment, unless I have it implied in some way :-? Also until a couple days ago I had no information that would help me claim it (claim number) However they did pay promptly right after the auction ended so that is a plus. What a headache!! Well at least I got the money and will send them there smurfs out tomorrow, watch me get a bad feedback for not shipping it fast enough... more like I was not a fast enough mind reader...

I need a drink... :drunk:

happily smurfing along

Postby Margaret » Wed Mar 08, 2006 7:30 pm

Its funny how they knew to pay and give you claim number
but left out the part of the money is at your nearest western union :banghead:
That is great that you were able to figure it out !! :D


Postby Syd Smurf » Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:27 pm
LOL....yay. I'm glad it's all been sorted. I had been reading Gerda's emails this morning (ones she sent me of course as she doesn't know I have hooked up to her inbox yet) and we were both having a big whinge (well, at least I was) about ebay and all of the troubles that people are causing us......it's nice to hear this one was sorted out.

I know....send the package to Spain but don't tell the buyer which post office it has been sent to. :)


Postby Margaret » Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:32 pm
I know....send the package to Spain but don't tell the buyer which post office it has been sent to. :)


:omg: :haha:

Postby Gerda » Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:10 pm
Oh that is evil thinking :angry: :-D :angry: I like it.... :) :)
The only thing I can think of is why this person thinks I can claim it at my post office is that they have a western union in there post office and they think this is a U.S. thing that they are connected.. :-? :-? Of course I am just guessing here as I have no idea what they are thinking.. then again maybe I do know since I figured out how they paid... :) :shock: :shock: :)

off to change my password on my email acount..... Not that I have much to hide on there.. Right Dyar :o

happily smurfing along

Postby Syd Smurf » Wed Mar 08, 2006 11:27 pm
off to change my password on my email acount..... Not that I have much to hide on there.. Right Dyar :o
Why does the FBI keep emailing you about their top secret investigation called Operation Green Man and sending you photographs from area 57 for? I hope you and the FBI don't mind but I sent some of the pics and documents onto my friends cos they looked really cool. Especially that round looking plane thingy with the funny looking people inside. Were the people at Area 57 having a halloween party or something?


Postby Guest » Thu Mar 09, 2006 3:19 am
I'm glad you got that sorted, Gerda. :D

I've received some strange payments recently where I get what looks like a UK cheque but it is sent from an overseas Post Office and I have to cash it at a Post Office, it was a new one on me so there are some unknown payment methods out there as well I think!

Postby Bunno Smurf » Thu Mar 09, 2006 6:22 am
Hi Gerda,

I just saw a new sign outside our local PO that says they now accept Western Union payments so I guess in some countries they can get them from the PO as they certainly can in Australia.

:star: LINDA :star:

Postby Gerda » Thu Mar 09, 2006 7:09 am
off to change my password on my email acount..... Not that I have much to hide on there.. Right Dyar :o
Why does the FBI keep emailing you about their top secret investigation called Operation Green Man and sending you photographs from area 57 for? I hope you and the FBI don't mind but I sent some of the pics and documents onto my friends cos they looked really cool. Especially that round looking plane thingy with the funny looking people inside. Were the people at Area 57 having a halloween party or something?

Oh that's ok.. just so you know some people I know want to pay you a visit.. they will be wearing all black cloths and dark sunglasses, 8) don't let there size scare you. They are really nice and just want to "talk" to you, invite them into your house for some lemonade.. pretty soon you will think you have a whole new life :D
Thanks Linda about letting me know about the western uniions at the post office.. I figured it was something like that, how is he suppose to know they are not part of our post office system, just would of helped me to know this!!

happily smurfing along

Postby Rachel » Thu Mar 09, 2006 10:44 am
Hi Gerda, I am glad that you have figured it out although I do wish Ebayers would read what payment methods are accepted BEFORE they ty and pay.
I like Dyar's idea to send it to an unknown Post Office. :-D
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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