At the end of January a buyer from Spain won a smurf acution from me, they promptley wrote me saying they would send me cash (note my auctions all state I only accept pay pal from international bidders) I told him though it was fine, but at his own risk! So after some time waiting I sent out another invoice reminder asking if the money was sent, I got a reply saying yes cash was sent. Now I am sending another reply and they come up saying that they sent a money transfer into my post office and gave me a number that I should take into my P.O. and I get my money. I did this thinking there is something out there taht I don't know about. The post master at my post office told me that there is no way they can have money wired to them and that they do have a program where they can send money to banks in like mexico and a few other countries (spain not being one of them) So I told this to the person and they responded by saying they went to there post office and gave my name and partial address (city, state and country) and this place told them that it was wired there instantly. And again he gave me the number as before along with another number.
I know I will get the same answer as before from my post office when I go in tomorrow to do some mailings.
SO my question is.. Am I being scammed, or was the person who sent the money scammed? Or by off chance is there some program out there that even my head post master does not know about? I find it hard to beleive that a person can wire money to someone without haveing to disclose the full address, especially a zip code if it is to go to a post office. I don't think there is, but what if there where more than one Ripon WI out there?
